Macaque x reader

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If there was a word that would describe this moment, it would have to be peaceful. As the cool night air blows through your hair, you look out to the lake with a content smile. The moon and stars glisten off the water, the sound of frogs and crickets filled the void, the cattail swayed in the wind as the lily pads floated on the water. It was truly peaceful. You wanted to take a break from the chaotic city for awhile, so decided to drive all the way out here to recharge your mental battery for a few. You kept your gaze towards the lake as a dark shadow crept behind you. Macaque came out of his shadow and squat down to your level to see what you were looking at. "what's ya staring at?" he finally spoke as he put his hand on your shoulder. You got so scared that you grabbed his arm and flung him over your shoulder in front of you, making him land on his face. Once you realized who it was, you immediately got up and rushed over to help him. "oh gods, I'm so sorry" "It's ok.... I deserved it...." he grabbed your hand and you pulled him up to his feet. once he dusted himself, you lightly punched him in the arm. "you got to stop sneaking up on me like that" he only chuckled as he rubbed the place where you hit him. "your training is really paying off. I might be a better teacher than I thought" he had a cocky grin on his face as you rolled your eyes and sat back down on the grass. He walked over and sat next to you. "what are you doing out here?" "the better question is what are you doing out here?" you squinted your eyes at the dark simian. "well I wanted to hangout but you weren't at your apartment so I decided to look for you and load and behold, here you are" you nod and hummed as a response to his answer. "how did you find me?" "remember that enchanted compass lady bitch demon gave me" "uh-huh" "I kept it. thought it would be really useful in case I needed to find someone or something" he pulled out the compass and tossed up and down as he spoke. "isn't that cursed or something?" the monkey only shrugged his shoulders. "pfft, nah. I made sure of it. that still leaves me to my question on why you're here" he leaned back on his elbows and crossed his legs in front of him. "I just wanted to get away from the city for a while, that's all" you said as you looked to the stars. Macaque looked up at the lake with a soft grin "yeah, it's pretty calm here. nice and quiet. might come here more often" he closed his eyes and sighed

You giggled at his comment and layed your back on the soft grass, gazing at the night sky. You looked over Macaque and blushed. He looked so handsome under the moonlight that you couldn't help but stare. He opened one of his eyes and gave you a side glance. "you know, it's rude to stare at people '' you looked away and scratched the back of your neck in embarrassment. He only chuckled as your face turned into a light shade of pink. When you looked back at the lake, small fireflies were fluttering above the water. "woah, ya gotta see this Mac '' the six eared monkey got up and watched the fireflies as they shined with a soft glow. "they almost look like they're dancing" "yeah I kinda see it" he tilted his head to the side, trying to see the dancing fireflies. That was when an idea popped into your head. You pulled out your phone, turned on some music, and got up to your feet. "uhhh what are ya doing? '' he had a confused smile on his face as you extended your hand out to him. "six-eared Macaque, warrior of the shadows, may I have this dance" the apes' confused smile was replaced with a look of surprise as he stared at you with wide eyes. "sorry, was that too formal?" "no, no. It was good, it's just... no one ever asked me to dance with them before. kinda caught by surprise" you gave him a reassuring smile. "then I guess I'll be the first one" he glanced at your hand for a moment before he put his hand up to yours. He was hesitant at first but he took your hand and you pulled him up. You put his hands on your waist as you put your arms around his neck. He looked away as his face warmed up but was drawn by your small laugh. The both of you swayed to the music as it played on. Just then, he picked you up and spun you around. When you were busy giggling in his arms, a bunch of small purple lights were floating out of the shadows and joined the fireflies as if they were one of them. a mixture of gold and floated around them as he finally set you down. Macaque started to look back at all the memories that the two made together. From the late night talks you two would have to the movies and shows you watched together. You treated him like he was a normal person then a villain. You were there when he was hurt, when he needed someone to vent to, when the nightmares of the past were too much for him to bear. You were there, showing him nothing but kindness and understanding and for that, he trusted you.

As he looked deep into your eyes and, for the first time in his life, he felt safe and wanted. The song was close to an end but he wanted to hold on to this moment for just a bit longer. "y/n, thank you" "for what?" he pulled you closer to his chest. "for showing me that even the stars need the darkness to shine half as bright. thank you for being my guiding star" you face was as red as a tomato when hearing those words. "wow, who knew you can be so poetic" "oh shut up" you both laughed and put your foreheads together. When the laughter died down, he looked down to your lips before looking back into your eyes again and inching his face closer to yours. "is it alright if I...." you nodded your head and he moved closer until your lips was merely brushed against his. "Thank you..." he crashed his lips against your own. You flutter your eyes closed as you kissed him back. The kiss was soft and gentle, full of love and trust for you and you only. When you finally parted for air, the song finally ended. "I love you, Macaque" he smiled as you said those words to him. He brushed a strand of loose hair off your face and kissed your forehead. "I love ya too, y/n" the both of you spent the night talking about random things and conversations that would pop up in you minds until you got tired. You leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep. He wrapped his cape around you and kissed the top of your head. "I promise to always protect you, moonlight. I promise" is all he whispered to you as he scooped you up in his arms and used his shadows to carry you back to your room. All those years of searching for a home and a place to call his own, he finally found it with you. His moonlight, his everything.

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