XCVI. Department Of Mysterys

Start from the beginning

"Dumbledore isn't—!" Tonks gets cut off as she winced, a wordless stinging hex being shot at her by me.

"Dumbledore," I sneered the name as if it were a bad taste left in my mouth. "Has ruined and manipulated many peoples lives, yet he couldn't even cover his tracks properly. There is nobody more foolish than him."

"Albus is a great man!" One of the seven I didn't recognize shouted as I roll my eyes.

"Yes, manipulating children and sending them to abusive homes, how great and kind of him." I sneered at the man as some death eaters flinch at the harshness of my voice.

"It's a shame we didn't take nagini, he would make a great snack for her!" I grin excitedly as the man flinches, taken aback by my sudden mood swing.

"You!—" the man couldn't say another word before he was hit by a red light that was shot from Bellatrix's wand

The man screams as he writhes on the ground, begging for help.

The curse wears of after a few second as he goes to stand up but was shot down again as the killing curse was shot at him.

Bellatrix sneered at the body before suddenly, a curse was shot at her, she dodges easily as she fires a curse back.

The two curse eachother and before long, the rest of the death eaters and order were firing curse back and forth.

"Do not harm Sirius Black or Remus Lupin. Don't... kill tonks, however, you may injure her if necessary." I order them before running over and disappearing into the crowd of the two sides fighting.

I appear behind sirius and Remus as they don't seem to notice.

"Nice day we're having." I comment casually as immediately an Expelliarmus was cast at me. My wand flies out of my hand as I raise an eyebrow at the two.

I wave my hand, summoning my wand back as I look up at them. The two recognized my eyes as sirus scowls at me.

"Don't do that again." Sirius scolds as I snicker quietly.

"Well, what are you two doing here?" I inquire as sirius rolls his eyes.

"The old man's orders, speaking of orders... are the death eaters..?" Sirius trails off as I nod.

"Yeah, they're under strict orders not to harm Remus or you, they're also under orders not to kill tonks, I can tell the girl's trust to dumbledore is wavering." I explain with a glance at the girl who was fighting a lesser death eater by the looks of it.

I hear a scream, followed by cackling as I glance over, bellatrix had killed another order member.

"On that note, I have to get going before bellatrix kills everyone here or drives them to insanity!" I explain as I clap my hands together. "I'll send you an owl later telling you when we can meet up."

Sirius raises an eyebrow but nods, "alright then, see you soon."

I grin before running off, towards the middle of the room, pointing my wand at the ceiling.


The spell fires as it hits the ceiling, smoke spreading throughout the room as the death eaters rush to the exit.

Once I made sure all the death eaters had left the room, I turn towards the order with a grin, the smoke mostly clear.

"So long! Bombarda!" I cast as the explosion sets off, leaving me enough time to leave the room and head towards the floo network.

As I ran in, many lesser death eaters were leaving or had already left. Malfoy and Bellatrix were under orders to stay until I left (per tom's command).

As I ran in a dodged a gold spell which shot right past me.

I grin as I glance back at the person who cast the spell, only moody had been able to dodge the explosion.

Bellatrix cackled as the auror glares at the insane woman.

"Mad-eye moody, nice to see you again." I greet the auror with mock politeness.

The auror didn't get to reply before another figure appeared, dumbledore.

"Dumbledore." I state with a monotone voice, glaring at the headmaster.

"A child?" He asks the auror, ignoring my statement.

"Hardly! Almost blasted my arm off in the explosion she set off!"

Dumbledore looks at me with eyes filled with fake pity. "No child should have to fight in a war, nonetheless be manipulated by Voldemort."

"I'm not being manipulated." I sneer at him as he shakes his head sadly.

"It's not to late, you can join the light, we can protect you. Voldemort has clearly manipulated you into a weapon." Dumbledores fake kind words echo throughout the hall before everything goes silent.

The silence was cut off by Bellatrix's mad laughter. "You truely believe we would manipulate a child?! That's rather hypocritical coming from you!"

"The fool has what's coming to him.." I hear mafloy murmured, clearly exasperated by the old fools actions.

"I've never done anything to put a child in harms way." Dumbledore states firmly as he glares at bellatrix.

"Oh please! You've sent children to abused homes more times than I can count!" Bellatrix remarks as I grin at the old man.

"I never—" he cut off his own sentence as he notices someone appearing next to me.

I glance over to see Tom standing next to me with a glare remaining on his face, directed towards the headmaster.



Tom sneers at the old man before glancing at the two death eaters, he sends a glance towards Lucius as malfoy nods and exits the ministry.

Dumbledore glances at moody as moody does the same, rushing out of the ministry.

"How did you gain that body back? It's truly disappointing to see how far you've fallen to ensure you wouldn't die." Dumbledore sighs with a shake of his head.

"Oh please, I've hardly done anything wrong compared to what you've done. Or do I need to remind you of your ex-partners plans? 'For the greater good.'" Tom mocked as dumbledore glares at him.

"I've never manipulated a child into being a weapon, Tom." Dumbledore continues to use tom's real name in an attempt to anger him.

"Oh please, Tommy here didn't manipulate me, I joined the dark out of my own free will with nobody influencing me. And about being a 'weapon' as you so kindly put it, I'm hardly that talented compared to the inner circle. Yes, im more powerful in fights than most people my age, however, Tom has an inner circle of fully trained adult death eaters he can use as weapons." I reply boredly as dumbledore's eyes widen, shock written across his face.

"You don't understand—"

"No. You don't understand. I joined Tom for my own personal reasons, there was nobody influencing me into joining them, not death eaters nor Tom. Tom trained me so I can protect myself, however, he didn't force me to fight anyone. I came on this mission and fought because I wanted to, not because Tom wanted a weapon."

Tom rolls his eyes at my rant however, a proud look in his eyes remain.

Dumbledore sighs, looking back over at tom. "How disappointing."

Suddenly, the ministry appears behind us, a look of shock on their faces as I pout.

"Looks like we got caught." I state before glaring over at dumbledore.

"T-those kids was t-telling the... the truth?!" Someone form the ministry yells in shock as I turn towards them.

"Obviously! You're all fools for not believing them!" I mock as Tom sighs, shaking his head.

"Well... until next time!" I shout before sliding back into the floo network, bellatrix and Tom following after.

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