LXXIX. Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Start from the beginning

As we walk up the creaky stairs I hear someone muttering something about mudbloods, werewolves, traitors, and thieves.

"If my poor mistress knew the scum they've let into her house, what would she say to old kreacher? Oh, the shame..." the voice says as we walk up the stairs to be met with a house elf.

He pauses as he notices us, glaring at us as he closes a door. He scowls as I glare back at the elf before dragging Harry up the stairs.

As soon as we open the door, Hermione tackled me in a hug, yelling, "y/n!!!"

I wrap my arms around her as I glance over her shoulder to see Ron with an annoyed look on his face.

"Are you alright?" She asks as she breaks the hug and glances at the two of us worriedly.

"I've heard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell me everything!" She explains as I nod slowly.

"And this hearing at the ministry! It's just outrageous! I've looked it up— they simply can't expel the two of you. It's completely unfair!" She exclaims as she throws her hands up dramatically.

"Yeah... There's a lot of that going around at the moment." harry mutters as we walk into the room.

"Sooo... What is this place?" I ask as weaselbee scoffs.

"Headquarters, obviously." Ron answers as Hermione sighs.

"The order of the phoenix. It's meant to be a secret society, the old fool formed it back when they first fought you-know-who." Hermione explains as Ron glares at her.

"You couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose? We've gone all summer without a scrap of news." Harry mentions as I pause as I glance towards the two.

"I'm sorry! Dumbledore made me take a wizard oath, not allowing me to tell either of you anything! He's keeps saying that you-know-who is back so I can't say anything." Hermione explains as I raise an eyebrow.

"Really? Why would he want to keep us in the dark... that's just idiotic." I mutter as Harry nods in agreement, Nyx hissing in agreement.

"Harry, Y/n." I hear the twins say as suddenly two people appears behind us, putting their hands on our shoulders.

Me and Harry turn towards the as they grin, glancing at the two of us.

"Thought we heard you two!" Fred says as he sits on the bed behind them.

"Dont bottle it up, mate, let it out." George adds on as he sits next to his twin.

"Anyways, if you're all done shouting—"

"Do you want to hear something—"

"A little more interesting?"


"If anyone had a right to know, it's those two." I hear sirius say as the twins lower the fake ear down.

I pause as some static goes through but listen again once another voice chimes in

"They aren't children, Molly!" Sirius snaps as mrs weasley scoffs.

"They aren't adults either!" Mrs Weasley yells back as sirius sighs. "They aren't James and lily, sirius!"

"It's not like they're your children." Sirius explains as I hear someone sigh in the background.

"As if I would want those two brats as my children!" Mrs Weasley says as suddenly Ginny walks around the corner.

*What a bitch!* Nyx suddenly exclaims as I turn towards the snake with slightly wide eyes, who taught her how to swear?

"Hey ginny." Harry greets as Ginny blushes but says nothing.

"They've got me." I hear sirius say as I look back down.

"How touchingly paternal, black. Perhaps the potters will grow up to be felons, just like their godfather." I hear snape say as I roll my eyes.

"You stay out of this, snivelus." Sirius warns as snape scoffs.

"Snape part of the order?" I ask as weaselbee scowls.


The two continue talking as suddenly Hermiones cat grabs at the ear.

"Quick get it up!" Fred whispers yells to George who starts pulling it up.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione scolds the cat bites the ear.

"Stop it, you bloody cat!" Ron snaps as the cat simply meows in response.

"Crookshanks, leave it alone!" Hermione yells before the cat rips the ear off the string and walks off.

"Granger, I hate your cat." Ron mutters as Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Bad Crookshanks!"


"Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen." Mrs Weasley explains with a smile before suddenly the twins appear behind her.

She screams before turning around, looking at the two clearly angry. "Just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!!"

The twins snicker before running into the dining room.

"You sure you're all right, Harry, y/n?" Mr Weasley asks as we nod. "You gave us quite a turn."

"Harry and y/n potter." Sirius mutters as the Weasleys move out of the way.

"Sirius!" Me and Harry exclaim as we hug the man who grins and laughs.


"This is very, very, peculiar." Mr Weasley says to us as tonks turns her nose into the nose of a pig.

"It seems that your hearing at the ministry is to be before the entire wizenagamot." Mr Weasley explains as I tilt my head in confusion.

"I don't understand. What has the ministry of magic got against us?" Harry asks as mr Weasley sighs.

"Show them." A voice says as I glance towards the side to see moody. "They'll find out soon enough."

Everyone become quite as Kingsley hands us a paper which reads that me and harry have been lying about Voldemort returning.

"What...?" I hear Harry say is barely above a whisper as I glare at the paper.

"He's been attacking dumbledore as well." Sirius tries to comfort as I scowl at the paper.

"Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the daily prophet, to... smear anyone who claims the dark lord is has returned." Sirius explains as I roll my eyes, leaning back in my seat.

"What an idiot." I mutter as Harry shakes his head with a small grin tugging on his lips.

"But why?" Harry asks as mr Weasley glances at the two of us hesitantly.

"The minister thinks dumbledores after his job." Mr Weasley says as I roll my eyes.

"Is the fool out of his mind? He—" I start but get cut off by mr Weasley.

"Exactly the point! Fudge is out of his mind." Mr Weasley exclaims as Sirius sighs.

"He thinks that Voldemort want to build up his army again. Fourteen years ago, he had huge numbers at his command, and not just witches and wizards but all manner of what are considered dark creatures." Sirius explains as I raise an eyebrow.

"We think Voldemort may be after something—" Sirius tries to explain but gets cut off by moody.


Sirius ignores moody as he continues, "Something he didn't have last time."

"You mean.. like a weapon?" Harry asks as Sirius goes to answer but gets cut off once again by mrs Weasley.

"No. That's enough. They're just kids!" Mrs Weasley exclaims as he takes the paper.

"That doesn't mean we need to be kept ignorant to the truth. Dumbledore obviously wants to use us to defeat the dark lord, atleast tell us the truth so we know how to defeat him." I snap before storming out of the room, harry following me hesitantly.

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