A Little Misunderstanding

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Ryans POV

I was sitting on my bed looking out my window. I was lost in my thoughts and I was thinking about my past. About when my mum left me here, when I was only 5 years old. 


-mommy where are we going?   5 year old me asked her, as we pulled up to the place I had to spend half my life in.. 

-Ryan.. I need you to understand that this is not easy for me to do..  she said.  Her boyfriend Damon was there so she couldnt say goodbye properly. you see, Damon was mean to mommy. And me.. he hit her when she said no. and when she didn't do as he said he hit me.

- what do you mean mommy?..     I asked her.  She was going to tell me , but Damon glared at her closely. He wasnt that happy today and when he was mad it was even worse. so she just took my little hand while tears where streaming down her pretty face.. and nocked on the door.

- you are going to stay here sweetie.. I dont know how long  but its okay.. someone else will look after you while im gone..  now she was sobbing and she hugged me. then the door opened and an old lady opened.  she looked concerned so I guess she knew mommy. she looked really kind, behind her where many other kids. some older and some where my age.

- Take care of her for me Sophia..  then she handed me to the the old lady named Sophia.. I began to cry and tried to run to her again. but she just handed Sophia a letter and said

- let her open it when she turn 14.. then Damon began dragging her away to the car again... and I was screaming for mommy. *why did she leave me? *   *why do I need to stay here? *  *For how long?*    these thoughts were running through my head as I watched there car leave the driveway.

end of flashback:

My flashback ended with me thinking back to the letter I got yesterday.. I guess all of my questions got answeard after I read it. I got diagnosed with autism when my daycare teacher miss Julie saw a wierd pattern in my behavior. I was more distanced from the other kids, I liked the quiet atmosphear, and was more sensitive for special clothes or some touches, I also thought and learned in my own way because it was easier for me, I was better and focused on the things i liked. well basically my mother left me because the dickhead Damon told my mum to leave me or she would die. just because I was different. 

My thoughts were interupted by a knock on my door. I got up from my bed and opened it. only to see the redhead man again.

- Can I come in?  I was a little uncertain if I should let him in to my safe room.  But I nodded because he see med nice.. Hope im not wrong.

-You got a nice room kid!  I didn't know what he meant by that,  because usally my room is really messy but I don't want to clean it.  Plus I have places in my room where The exact same things need to be in The exact same spot!. It's wierd,  that's what all people think.. I just nodded and went to sit in my bed.

He walked over to the bed and gave me a stare that asked if he could sit.  I nodded again.  The feeling of having someone inside the room ur most comfortable and alone in,  was awkard and wierd.

-Soooo..  What is ur name? He asked all of a sudden.  I guess he wanted to small talk and that is another thing im awkard at. 

- Ryan... My name..  I answear and he nodded and looked at me.

-uhhhm what is yours?  Cause in my head i usally calls you red head, but I guess that is not your name?  I asked him back. He chuckled and smiled softly at me, 

-No haha, my name is Ian. The other man downstairs is my husband Mickey, he may look scary but he is really soft and protective of the people he loves.. scary indeed.. i mean i guess he is nice and all but he just look mean, and he still look like Damon. 

-So this is your room.. nice posters! you like rock bands?  he asked me, 

- Ofcourse I like Rock bands! they are like the best bands ever aaaand there lyric's are so sad but still like you can understand the feelings and stuff!!!  he looked at me with joy in his eyes because i saw the glimse . it's like he likes me, I feel like I actually have a chance of getting adopted this time... 

-i like rock too. look we have something in common. what diagnosis do you have Ryan? he was being serious but still curious. i have always felt like an outcast.. but just maybe he will understand? 

-I have.. i have autism. and anger issues.. i told him he smiled and said 

-Cool kid! you know what I have? i shook my head i wanted to know, I have bipolar disorder, i know that you think of yourself like an outcast.. but that's not what you are. I have only speaked to you for an hour and I already know you are a wonderful person, who didn't deserve this life...i didn't know what to say! he is bipolar which means he knows what im going through. we got interupted by the door opening. i looked over in panic because the person did not knock! I didn't tell them to come inside!! 

-Hey Ian can I speak with you? it's mickey. i don't like him, i keep telling myself that he didn't know, but my brain don't listen. and im afraid i will do something i will regret. before i knew it he was inside of my room, and i don't like that. so i got up from my bed and started flipping out.

Ians pov:

Mickey interupted us by opening the door coming in asking to talk with me. but Ryan got up and started walking around her room throwing stuff at him... I was a little confused and saw mickey was too. 

-Hey Ryan what happened? what are you doing, Mickey didn't do anything! Mickey get the caretaker! he ran out of the room and I tryed to calm her down asking her questions but it didn't work she just ignored me.. soon after the caretaker came inside the room and took a hold of her hand, looked her in the eyes and asked where her headsphones were. what could the headphones possibly do to help her stop acting like this!?

-I...In. the.. top drawer on my.. nighttable!.. she cried out.. she began shaking and i couldn't take it anymore I don't like watching people feel like I felt when I was at my worst.. it hurts me really , and I looked over at mickey who looked sad because she always act like this around him and we don't know why. the caretaker mickey told me was named sophia ran over there and took them out, she gave them to a shaking Ryan who put them in her ears... i saw her put on "better of dead" by sleeping with sirens. and she calmed dowwn while closing her eyes. mickey looked scared.

-what happened? sophia asked.

- he looks like him.. and he walked in without knocking and he did not ask if he could walk in.. i guess she talks about mickey.. I looked over at him and it looked like he was guilty and was on the edge of tears.. I understand now that maybe she felt u safe when Mickey walked in to her "safe place". I walked over to Mickey and walked him out of the room for a while, thinking that he might need to calm down. They both do..

Mickey's pov:

I walked in and the chick started flipping out. The fuck did I do!? I just wanted to speak with Ian.. Next thing I know is Ian telling me to get the caretaker which I do. I ran down the hallway and in to the office where The woman sat.

-Hey! I just walked in to her room and she started flipping out! We don't know what to do!! She told me her name was sophia. And she knew exactly who I was talking about.. She followed me up the stairs where The girl was now shaking and crying. I don't like seeing people cry, it reminds me of my sister mandy when she was younger and my father had hit her.. I couldn't do anything, he was too strong. Everything happened kn slow motion for me, but it all became clear when those words came out of her mouth..
-he looks like him.. and he walked in without knocking and he did not ask if he could walk in.. She said that when she calmed down with music.. And she was looking at me... I felt so guilty, all I wanted was to come here and get a kid. Didn't even get to do that, guess I really got my fathers fucking genes..  Ian walked me out of the room to speak with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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