Chapter Thirty-One.

Start from the beginning

"Real funny."

"I'm serious," Ginny said. "She's made headlines. How don't you know she's an Animagi? Her name's on the Ministry's records and everything."

"But how do you know that one's (Y/n)?" Dean pressed.

"Have you ever seen an animal look so depressed?" Ginny said. (Y/n) changed back to her regular self in an instant.

"Get lost, ginger," (Y/n) jeered. Ginny gasped with feigned offence.

"Oh, my stars!" Parvati exclaimed gleefully. "What's it like being a fox? Are they more similar to dogs or to cats?"

"Both, I guess," (Y/n) shrugged.

"Are you... soft?" Parvati asked.

"Very," Ginny answered.

"You think?" (Y/n) smiled. Ginny nodded.

"Why were you a fox?" Dean asked.

"I don't know," (Y/n) shrugged. "It's my spirit animal or whatever."

"No," Dean laughed. "I mean, why were you your Animagus?"

"Oh," (Y/n) mumbled. "Well, I was going to go off into the forest before Ginny spotted me and I couldn't shake her off, so I just let her take me here." Ginny beamed proudly. (Y/n) looked over at Dean. "Were you able to see Power Rangers?"

"Yeah," Dean said. "Thuy Trang was replaced with Karan Ashley but you already know that if you watch Mighty Morphin."

"I think I know what I want to be for Halloween this year," (Y/n) said.

"Power Ranger?" Lavender guessed.

"Ding, ding, ding."

"You're five people short," Dean said.

"If I've got time to, I'll make extra costumes," (Y/n) shrugged. "And if not, I'll be a solo Power Ranger... Realistically, I'd probably be able to duplicate it through magic, but that only works for someone that's close to my proportions..." She flew to her feet and made for the portrait hole with a new light to her, one that had not been present for quite some time. "This is so exciting!" She opened the portrait, instantly gasping over just barely missing Fred, George, and the group of weary first years they were with.
"Oh! I'm so sorry," (Y/n) apologized to the first years, who smiled shyly in reassurance.

"I don't accept your apology!" Fred said dramatically.

"Well, good thing I wasn't apologizing to you," (Y/n) said, patting Fred's arm. Upon realizing that, for once, the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and (Y/n) all had a window in which there were very minor distractions, (Y/n) grabbed the twins' hands. "Excuse us," she said to the first years. "Ginny!" (Y/n) whisper-shouted, nodding Ginny over.
Ginny groaned and complained for a moment before reluctantly walking over to where Hermione, Ron, and Harry sat by the fireplace. She joined (Y/n) on the floor, their backs to the fireplace. Fred and George were parallel to them, looking thoroughly bewildered. Getting the hint, Hermione moved to sit to Ginny's right and George's left. Harry and Ron sat across from her.

"What?" Ginny finally asked.

"Well," (Y/n) said. "We've all got packed schedules, apparently, and I don't know if there would be an opportunity where we'd be able to plan together."

"Plan what?" George asked.

"Remember when you told me that you'd help me sneak back my mum's journals over winter break?" (Y/n) asked. "Why not plan now?"

"What if we forget?"

"I don't forget," Ginny said.

"She really doesn't," Ron murmured.

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