XXIV. Basisilk And The Heir

Start from the beginning

I flinch back as I avoid to look in its eyes.

*Eserine!!!* Nyx hisses as the snake turns towards us.

*This is y/n!! The one I've been telling you about!!* Nyx hisses proudly as the basilisk blinks as a transparent layer covers her eyes.

*Nice to meet you y/n, nyx wouldnt shut up about you!!* the basilisk rants as I grin up as her.

*Nice to meet you aswell, Eserine.* I smile at the basilisk as she hisses happily.

My eyes then widen as I take out my wand and mutter a quick spell to show me the time.

8:00am appears in metallic green letters.

*I'm sorry Eserine, I really should get going now! I don't want to be late for my class..!* I apologize to the snake as it shakes its head.

*No need to apologize! I underssstand, when tommy was in school he would always leave early too!* The snake hisses happily as i quirk my eyebrow in the mention of the 'Tommy' character but temporarily ignore it as I smile at the snake.

*Thanks! Alssso, I have a feeling this place is the so called chamber of secrets and you're the so called monster that stays here, so if you do end up killing students again... if it's not to much to ask, could you refrain from killing a muggle-born named Hermione granger and a pureblood named Draco malfoy?* I question politely as she nods her head.

*Of course!* She hisses as I smile and wave at her before rushing off with nyx.


I run into Harry and Ron as i stagger back before regaining my balance.

"Watch where you're going, Harry, Weasley." I state before suddenly I hear Eserines voice going on about blood and killing.

"It's happening again... it's moving! I think it's going to kill!" Harry says as he runs off.

I flinch as I run after him, so does Ron as he glares at me briefly.

I follow him down the corridor as suddenly we see spider in a line crawling out the castle.

"Strange..." Harry mumbles as I turn towards him. "I've never seen spiders act like that."

"I don't like spiders..." Ron says he turns his head down to the side, only for his eyes to widen when he sees the reflection.

"The chamber of secrets has been opened... enemies of the heir... beware..?" I read the wall with fake confusion in my voice.

"It's written with blood.." I add on as Ron tense up.

"Oh, no." Harry says as he notices filchs cat, I back up slightly in suprise.

I then notice some students walking our way as I back up even father as a fake look of shock and suprise forms on my face.

"It's filchs cat... it's mrs Norris." Harry stares as the student come to a stop.

"Harry... what did you...?" I mutter as I act as if I thought It was him who did it.

Even more students, including malfoy and Hermione come around the other side as I quickly run towards the two, pretending to be in shock.

"Enemies of the heir, beware? You'll be next you filthly gryffindors." Draco states while crossing his arms and glaring at them.

"What's going on here?" Filchs voice enters the hall as he shoves past eve to one.

"Go on, make way, make way." He shoves the students as he glares at potter, not noticing mrs Norris yet.

"Potter. What are you...?" He trails off as he notices mrs Norris.

"Mrs Norris...?" He mutters before he glares angrier than ever before at potter.

"You've... murdered my cat." He states as malfoy grins slightly. Hermione hits him on the head and mutters a quiet 'not the time' before focusing back on the two.

"I'll kill you." He says slowly before a creepy smile forms on his face.

"I'll kill you!!" Filch yells as he grabs Harry by the front of his robes.

"Argus?" Dumbledors voice echos from behind us as the students move to make way for him and the other teachers.

"Argus, I—" dumbledore stops himself as he gazes at the bloody writing on the wall which smeared down.

"Everyone... will proceed to their dormitories immediately." Dumbledore states as everyone turns to head towards their dorms.

"Everyone except..." fumble adds on as everyone halts. "You two.." he says gesturing towards Ron and potter.

"She's not dead Argus." I hear Dumbledore says before the voices fade out.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; tom marvolo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now