
Name: Caitlin Snow/Frost

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Name: Caitlin Snow/Frost

Occupation: Bio-Chemist, Hero.

Skills: First-Aid, Surgeon, Bio chemistry, quick thinking, high I.Q.

Powers: Cold Powers, able to manipulate ice and cold.

Caitlin Snow once had a promising career as a Bio-Chemist at Star Labs, but that all changed the night the Particle Accelerator blew taking the life of her Fiancé Ronnie Raymond, but it also put her on a new path and showed her a new way to help people and save lives.

   Caitlin Snow once had a promising career as a Bio-Chemist at Star Labs, but that all changed the night the Particle Accelerator blew taking the life of her Fiancé Ronnie Raymond, but it also put her on a new path and showed her a new way to hel...

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Name: Thea Queen

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Name: Thea Queen

Occupation: Night-Club Owner, Speedy.

Skills: Hand to Hand Combatant, Hacking, Marksman, Swordswoman, Martial Artist, Observational skills, Archery.

   Thea Queen was once a drug addicted spoiled rich brat who despised everyone due to the pain she felt from losing brother and her father at the same time, but upon Oliver's return Thea was put on a new path where she became Speedy aka The Scarlet Archer and one day soon she would come to meet the man that would become her world...Jason Queen.

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