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You decided to yourself that you should visit or reunite with your old friend uzui.

So you walked to hills, mountains, and eventually got there.

You opened the shoji doors and saw him sitting down looking at a nice scenery.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Uzui looked back.

You saw his shiny beautiful hair and his bulky abs, muscles and pecs.

"Yes" you smiled and nodded.

He offered you to sit down beside him and pour some tea on your cup.

"Its been a long time we haven't seen each other y/n! Ive missed you so much" he smiles

"Yes i know, ive decided to visit you since from my assumptions.. you retired." You drank from the cup.

"Ah yes i did, but im glad i get to see you again." He looked at you.

"I think the last time we've met was from the hand demon practice as i remember." You said.

"Mhm, good times good times..i admired you before" he said.

(Plays bad habit by steve lacy /j)

"Oh, i.. i also admired you before." You smiled.

"Well not in that term of admired.. i liked you.. i really do.." he looks down then looks at you.

You got flustered and looked away.

Uzui comes closer to you and then tucks your hair behind your ear.

You looked at his beautiful eyes.

And out of a blue, he suddenly kissed you.

A long soft kiss was planted on yours.

"Ive been wanting to kiss you before, but i was too shy. So i decided to kiss you now" he smiled.

You were speechless and couldn't say a thing or a word.

So he leans again closer to your face and kissed you again.

A long one now.

You feel his soft lips on top of yours and his lustful tounge licking in yours.

He puts his hands underneath your clothes and started playing with your nipples.

And it made you more sensitive.

You started to moan and whine while kissing uzui's juicy lips.

Uzui stopped and slowly take off your clothes and undergarments.

He also started to take off his clothes.

You can see his veiny hands and abs, pecs, muscles and most off all.. his v-line.

He starts to put your arms and hands on top and ties them up.

"Does it hurt..? I'll loosen up a bit if you want." He asked and looked at you.

"No.. im alright." you answered but tried to ignore his handsome face.

So he nodded and crawled back down.

And since your hole is very well exposed to the handsome man..

Uzui decided to slide his fingers inside that wet hole of yours.

He curled his fingers, thrusting them forward and backwards.

You loved that toe curling back bending pleasure.

Uzui Tengen (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now