A dream of the Past

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(contains backstory which is NOT based on the happenings in-game, it is all written myself)

15th March 20xx.

Tsukasa was walking to School with Akiyama, since Aoyagi was Homeschooled.

They kept on telling how nice that one person is, which Tsukasa clearly had a crush on, but didn't even try to talk to him...and they knew it and kept blabbering about it anyway.

"Oh but Tsukasa!! Come on!! You have to talk to him eventually someday!! So let it be todayyy!!"

Tsukasa just looked at them and shook his head.

"I don't know Mizuki...you know I don't have many friend and what if he thinks I am weird??...you know...since my long hair.."

He muttered the last few words under his breath, looking at them with an unsure expression.

"He won't!! Really! What if he is into boys with long hair hm???"

He just blinked at Akiyama...turning bright red, then just right walking into his class not exchanging another word with them, it didn't bother them that he had left since it is fun teasing him.

Soon as class was over Tsukasa headed to the Rooftop, sitting down there and think about it to talk to his crush eventually...but then he keeps thinking how weird it would be and anything.
Some time has passed and he decided not to do it afterall since he doesn't have much friends and Saki is still in Hospital because of that accident..

Soon as Tsukasa stood up again from sitting down onto the ground of the Rooftop, wanting to head to class, Three guys walked up to him, two of them held Tsukasa on place and then looked at the person who stood infront of him.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't the tiny kitten named tenma... with his long hair, pretending to be a girl just to get attention.."

The boy grinned mischievously at Tsukasa, as he had a plan to do something.... terrible.
Tsukasa very hesistant responded..

"First of all...I am not pretending to be a girl to get 'attention', I have let it grow long because I like it..!" having a slight mad expression looking at him.

"and for my sister"
he thought to himself

"ya, ya whatever you say." The boy rolled his eyes
"No wonder why you do not have much...or rather do not have any friends."

Tsukasas eyes widened and remained silent after the boy had said such.

"Cat caught your tongue? How pathetic."

Tsukasa kept on remaining silent until he spoke up

"Now what do you want?? Keep on bullying me for my hair??? Just leave me alone! Mind your own business!!!"

Tsukasas expression was clearly mad, trying to get out of the grip of the other two boys which held him in place.

"Not in that tone you brat!" The boy slapped Tsukasa

Tsukasa hissed in pain as he slapped him...looking at him still with a mad expression, allthough his cheek hurts now from the slap.

"You know what. Boys let him go."

So they did, they stopped holding Tsukasa in place, but as soon they let go the boy got awfully close to him which made Tsukasa step back until he felt the fence on his legs...stopping having no escape staring at that boy.

"Oh? Scared??...aw...how adorable."
The boy had a big fat evil grin on his face while staring at small Tsukasa.

"Me..? Scared never..."
Tsukasa very hesistant answered him

"Good then you also shouldn't be scared of that."

Tsukasa was confused by what he meant with "that"
Not even able to answer that boy...

He just pushed Tsukasa off the building.

As soon Tsukasa fell down...

He sat up in his bed, looking around, breathing heavily....

"That nightmare again...."

He rubbed the back of his head, then getting up, and started shaking violently, then looking at the clock.

"...5 AM..."

He sighed, then decided walking all messy out of his room to the kitchen and got himself something to drink..

"Why does this keep haunting me...at least once a week I dream of this over and over again..!"

Tsukasa scoffed, slight annoyed just wanting to forget what happened back then.
Soon he was lost in his thoughts, drinking his water... until he heard someone walking into the kitchen, yet not seeing much since the sun just began to rise.

"Tsukasa..? What are you doing here? In the middle of the night.."

A very tired Saki asked him mid yawning

"Ah...Saki...I just woke up from a Nightmare again...nothing too serious..! Don't worry.."

He let out a small chuckle, then sipping on his water again

"Again...? Oh man...I hope it will get better soon but.."

Saki yawned once again while talking

"I'll head back to bed, I still want a bit rest until my alarm goes off...See you.."

She yawned a third time as she left.

Tsukasa just nodded and stood in the kitchen thinking.
Until he had put the glass into the sink and headed back to his room, sitting down onto the bed, staring at himself in the mirror.

"I promised middle school self that I will be attending prom with long hair...and so..I will....of course with the design of the dress..I made some years ago...just need the fabric and then it is done in some hours...all I need...is letting my hair grow back to long.."

He sighed, then laid down and closed his eyes, resting on his bed, yet not sleeping since he jist couldn't after that, and just began to break his mind with multiple thought at the same time.

Some minutes had passed, and he sat back up again and immediately took his phone texting Emu, Nene and Rui about the show they got on the upcoming weekend.

"Gee...I almost forgot about that..."

Then looking at Ruis messages he didn't answer, just left on read.. and slowly began to answer those after reading them.
He soon laid back down, putting his phone away

Not much time was killed until he fell back asleep.

Chapter Two done!! :]
Words: 1033
Hope you liked that as well!
Stay tuned c:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓱𝓸𝔀 [𝓡𝓾𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓼𝓪 ]Where stories live. Discover now