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It was now Monday, Gareth's been away for a whole day and my dad is already taking advantage of the fact that he was gone. He threw a glass at me yesterday, it missed my face but shattered on the wall behind me and a shard of glass flew into the back of my head, though it wasn't major, it just gave me a headache. The worst part was that he made me clean up his mess; even after I just took a shard of glass to the back of my head and I cried to Gareth on the phone all night over it. 

My dad and Eddies uncle are pretty good friends too, so sometimes they'd meet at a bar and drink all night. My dad would come home wasted and then take his anger out on me because the team he supported lost the soccer match or incredibly stupid things likewise. He'd shout at me, throw things at me, or even hit me. One night in particular, he got back and I was asleep. He came up to my room, picked me up, and threw me onto the floor to wake me up while screaming at me. Saying that I was lazy for sleeping, I should be cleaning up when he was gone, even though it was three am and I had already worked my ass off cleaning up. 

The bruises on my body weren't good either. I had them all over my legs, arms and my face. I went to school today because my bruises were mild. Still not okay, but mild. I had no one to talk to as Gareth was my only friend and I wasn't friends with all the cheerleaders and jocks anymore because they refused to talk to me after my breakup with Jason.

I was sitting outside, leaning up against a dirty brick wall while eating my lunch, blasting The Kinks into my ears. They're my favorite band. I love sixties music, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin are a few of my favorite artists. I was eating a partially melted chocolate bar when Munson decided to try and talk to me. "Hey doll." I knew he was there, I just ignored him. "Whitlock." He poked my back, causing me to turn around take my headphones off one ear and look at him. "What?" He smiled and wiggled his fingers at me. "Freak." I turned back around when he started to talk again. "What're those bruises? I thought they were hickeys till I remembered your Gare Bear's outta town." "They're nothing. Look, can't I just eat in peace?" "Fine, but I'm not moving." When he mentioned that Gareth was outta town, I dreaded the horrors that awaited me when I get home so I stopped eating and I started to think to myself. "Lost your appetite?" "I'm fine, just leave me alone Munson." "Are you still upset about your dolly?" He pouted and did puppy eyes at me while poking my side. "A little, yeah." "Still? I thought you would have grown up by now." 

I tried to ignore him and carry on eating, but he kept pushing buttons. "Aww, you gonna cwy?" He did this stupid baby voice at me, still poking my side. "Please stop." "You gonna run to your mommy?" I really tried to not lash out at him, but I couldn't. "Do you know why I've held onto that stupid doll thing for all these years?" I turned around to look him in the eyes.  "Uh-oh, someone's angwy." "Do you want me to fucking tell you or not?" "I'm listening." "That doll that you tore up and drew all over, that was the last thing my mom gave me before she died and I held onto the fact that you tore it all up because it killed me seeing it like that. My mom's last dollars spent on me went to a doll that ended up being ruined." My eyes started to fill up with tears as I looked at him. He was speechless, no words came out of his mouth, he just sat and stared like a deer in headlights. "I hope you're happy Munson." I got up off the floor and started to walk away, crying to myself. "Louisa, I'm sorry!" He yelled, but I couldn't forgive him. 

I wiped my tears with my sleeve and decided that there was no point in staying at school, so I went home. My dad was at work and he wouldn't be back until late, so I decided to make the most of my alone time. I sat down on the couch and watched TV, I'm allowed to watch TV but I have to watch what he wants, when he wants. All he watches is sports, it gets a little boring after a while. I decided to watch 21 Jumpstreet. Now let's be honest; we all only watch for Johnny Depp, don't lie. I was sitting comfortably on the couch and I didn't realize how late it got. I saw the front door open and began to panic. 

He was drunk, as per usual, yelling at me for watching the TV. "Louisa! How many times do I have to tell you to not watch TV unless I'm watching?" "Dad, I'm sorry, I'll turn it over!" "It's too late now Lou. Now, you have to pay." "No, no dad STOP!" He was inching closer to me, his face grew redder as the anger built up inside. He grabbed a vase a threw it at me, I shielded my face as it crashed onto my side, leaving another bruise. "STAY AWAY!" "Maybe, you might listen next time huh?" He swung at my face, punching my nose and knocking me onto the floor. "Go to your room. I don't wanna see your ugly face again!" 

I didn't have time to gather myself up as I ran into my room, as soon as I heard the sports blaring through the TV, I called Gareth. "Hello?" "Gare, he hit me! My nose!" It was hard to form proper sentences as I cried loudly into the phone. "Shit, are you okay?" "No, he caught me watching TV a-and said I had to pay f-for watching without him." "Just take deep breaths, try and calm down alright?" "I'm trying Gare, I really am." "Just take a moment, try and gather your thoughts and talk to me." I tried to slow my breathing as I went on to talk. "He hit me again, I was watching TV and he came in drunk from the bar." My voice still trembled as I spoke. "He threw a vase at me which has now bruised, and he came up to me and said, "Maybe you might listen next time." and then punched my nose." "Holy crap, how do you feel now?" "I don't know, I think I might sleep on it." "Okay Lou, I'll be home soon alright?" "Thank you, Gareth." "It's alright, I'm always here for you." "Goodbye Gare Bear." "Bye Lou. Make sure you get some rest okay?" "I will." I hung up the phone and went back into my bedroom, wedging a chair under my door just in case he tried anything funny while I was asleep again, and drifted off to sleep.

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