The Email

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Parker and Chester were chilling on the couch of their shared home, watching a poorly made horror movie from the 50s. Chester was bundled up in a soft blanket while Parker was just manspread holding a pepsi. Chester was starting to doze off but jumped out of his own skin when he heard a notification come through his computer. "Parker, bro, we got an email." Parker blinked awaked, he was drifting to. He sighed and stood up following Chester to the computer. Parker sat down at the small desk in the living room, Chester right next to him. Parker began reading the email in his head.

Subject: Help

Hello Chester & Parker. My name is Tina. I'm 19 and I need help. I live alone with my mom and brother, Thomas. They've both been acting really weird. I hear them talk at night in the basement's not in English or any other language I can recognize. My mom locks herself away in her room all day and I don't know what she's doing in there since there's only a bed in her room. Thomas won't even leave the house anymore, which is odd since he used to be very social. None of my relatives come around anymore and I haven't seen my dad in 8 months. My mom told me he went on a business trip, but I'm starting to doubt that...My pet cat's gone missing, but the other day I found her collar under Thomas's bed. I think something really strange is going, please come over as soon as you can. The address is XXX Xxxxx XX.

Parker sighed when finishing the email, "Man, why is it always the freaky moms." Chester said, looking at Parker through his sunglasses. "Whatever man, let's start recording." Chester nodded and got behind the camera. Parker cleared his throat as Chester started rolling; "Alright guys today we got an email from a 19 year old girl named Tina, who says her mom and brother have been acting strange. Her brother won't leave the house and her mom won't come out of her room. Tina also hasn't seen her father in about 8 months and her mother tells her he's on a "business trip". Later, we're gonna going over there and investigate." Parker signaled Chester to stop filming which he understood. Chester turned the camera off and stepped over to Parker. "You did good, bro." Parker's face turned the slightest bit pink from Chester's compliment. "Thanks dude, we need to pack up and head over to Tina's house." Chester sighed and walked over to the kitchen picking up equipment they'd thrown on there the last time. Chester was not excited. Every time they go to these houses it's the same story. "Cute" girl answers the door, Parker flirts with her, they meet the weirdo who's terrorizing this girl, they go to bed, Chester gets woken up and almost murdered by said weirdo, Parker saves the day, forget the girl, k̶i̶s̶s̶, leave. 

Chester paused at his own thoughts. -No, Parker is straight, that's pretty damn obvious.- Chester sighed at his n a u g h t y mind and continued packing. "Yo bro, you done yet?" Parker called from behind Chester. Chester gave a nod and turned around. "Already to go." He put on a fake smile, he hated doing this. He knows that one day, something's gonna go wrong and he won't be walking out of there. -Parker will though, Parker's strong. He'll save me.- Chester shook the thoughts away again as he climbed into the passengers seat. -No time to be gay, only time to demon hunt.- "Alright bro, we got this." Parker said, starting the car. The two high fived, Chester wished it lasted longer, like hand holding, in a bro way though. Parker turned on the GPS and pulled out of the drive way, off to the location, oblivious of what was yet to come.

End. 651 words, this is the dumbest but greatest thing I've made in a while, ALSO IM NOT LIKE A SERIOUS WRITER I DO THIS FOR FUN- Hope you enjoyed sexysss <33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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