Chapter 2: Facebook Dilemma

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It was finally friday morning and although i had work i was so excited to tell Sarah that i found Leon on facbook; her reaction is only expected to be deadly.
My phone beeped as i got a message from Sarah
<I'm going to Starbucks before work, fancy coming?>
<yes sure, i have exciting news for you! see you in a bit>
I left the house to meet Sarah at Starbucks, she could never go to work without a coffee ofcourse.
"Over here Sharna. Did you get your issue finished lastnight? If its not in for today you're so dead girl" Sarah started warning me about work, i wasn't so interested so i mentioned the news...
"About last night and the news i have, you promise you wont go mad?" Sarah nodded.
"Ok well i kind of went through the remaining few school friends on my Facebook list, i came across Leon on a mutual friends Facebook and so i added him, his account was on private so i hadn't got any information about him"
Sarah gave me a dirty look before opening her mouth- "y'know that i care about you, i just think you're coming across creepy and are possible having a midlife crisis at 25!"
"Sarah shut up, i know what I'm doing. I mean there must be something missing, i even thought about him during my most recent kiss with a drunken man!"
"Ahahaha, that was a fun night but anyway did you get your work done?"
Sarah was so focused on work and i guessed i should have been too, i mean if it was meant to be I'd still be in contact with him right?
Back at the office, i eventually got my issue finished; better late then never right? I tried not to mention Leon to Sarah as i knew i was starting to annoy her, i just couldn't figure why he was so on my mind recently and I'm determined to figure out why.
"You staying over late tonight?" Sarah popped her head around my office door and asked.
"Erm yes, i just need to catch up on a few things. I'll see you tomorrow"
"Ok see you."
I was in the office alone, i decided to quickly check my Facebook and i was so excited to see a new notification. I clicked it open and read-
'Leon Smith accepted your friend request. Write on his wall'
The smile on my face was huge. I clicked onto his profile and started off checking his relationship status; i was shocked to see he didn't have one posted. Surely if he was taken he'd be in a relationship with someone? Well thought that was enough to convince me until i went through the Facebook pictures...
This wasn't Leon Smith from school, this was some random person I'd never saw before!
Ugh, why am i even doing this? He probably wont even remember me! Maybe i should still message him though, he seemed to have quite a few mutual friends all from school so there was my hope he knew Leon. I felt so humiliated, i placed my head into my hands in disappointment. What could i do now?

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