~New Students~

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Blue POV

It's been about a week now and everything is going great! No crushes yet but it's whatever it doesn't matter to me. I was sitting in my homeroom with Dark just chatting.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what Dark?"

"We're getting new students today... I heard that they are twins" twins? That's a bit rare around here I think... I don't think they are any twins in this school.

"Twins? Huh that's pretty cute... You heard what are are?"

"I keep hearing different ones... Some people saw they are bears, other say foxes... But the most interesting one j heard is that they're demons~" d-demons? What... No no no that can't be... Demons are not very welcome here... And everyone is scared of them.

"Alright class shut your asses" again... How the hell is this guy a teacher again? He's always cursing... More then us. "As you all know we have some new students and they have this home room" he turns to look at the door. "Come in"

With that we saw a black purpleish bear walk then but after he walked in he looks at the door.

"Damn it... Come on" he walks over to the door and pulls in another bear but I can just tell the room atmosphere changed when he walked it. The other bear had a demon tail which I think made everyone on edge when the teacher. "So um... Hi I'm Shadow and this is my twin Shade" Shadow I'm guessing looked over at Shade... But he didn't say anything. It looks like... He doesn't want to be here. I wanted to say 'hi' back but something was stopping me... But why.

"Get the hell out of here you fucking demon!" I looked at who yelled and of course... It's fucking Hunter it's always him...

"Hunter sit down!" Yelled the teacher back. But Hunter only growls then he sits down. This homeroom just become more chaotic... Great. "Anyways... Shadow and... Shade you 2 may sit in the back row... There are 2 seats open by Blue and Dark" wait... What? Us?

"Alright" Shadow starts to walk by then looks at Shade. "Shade... Come on" I heard Shade sigh but he follows his brother and they sit down. But... Shade was sitting closes to me... Huh. He doesn't seem to bad but somethint him is... Familiar.

Shade POV

I hate it here... I feel like everyone is staring at me... And watching my every move... I hate it... Wait did the teacher say Blue? What! Is that really Blue? Ah fuck.
I want to see if it's him... But that would be weird I'mma just wait til this... Homeroom class is over.

"Hey Shade" I looked over at Shadow.


"You'll be fine without me? It looks like we only have 6th hour together"

"I'm not some kids ok? I'll be fine... For the most part"

"Ok ok fine whatever you say... 'Big brother'"

"Oh shut up..." I looked down at the schedule... Why do I have to be here? I was stuck in my own thought then I heard someone slam the table so I looked up.

"Hi there! My name is Dark! Do you guys need any help with finding your classes!?" To be honest... I was a bit shocked to see her talking to us... It was kinda unexpected.

"Hi there Dark and... Maybe? Well maybe just for my brother here" what?

"Hey watch it Shadow..." I glared at him but he only smiles. "I can find my own classes thank you very much" I heard the bell then I got up and left. Fucking Shadow... But then I stepped out I notices everyone's faces... I know I'm already not welcome here... My ear lowers a bit.

End of chapter

{A Demon And A Bunny} Shadow FronnieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz