parsley from high guardian spice stares into the abyss and it stared back

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Its a perfectly normal day at High Guardian Academy, Rosemary was committing mass manslaughter, Sage was being a raging misandrist and Thyme was in her room reading some nerd shit about plants or whatever. Parsley was also there bored out of her god damn mind.

"I am bored out of my god damn mind." She stated. "I'm gonna go look around shit in the academy."

"You're swearing more than normal, I know the warning at the beginning of every episode says 'mature audiences' but-"

Parsley swiftly and bluntly cut off Thyme with "cut it with the meta bullshit nerd"

Then she left the room and looked around shit in the academy.

She mostly found just the typical stuff, some bathrooms with shit on the walls, the potions teacher being a pedicidal maniac as usual, and a very desiccated and absolutely miserable looking poor bastard of a janitor. The dwarf briefly pondered how he ended up like this before quickly remembering what sho- I mean what school she was in. There was also a disturbing amount of blood inside his closet.

Aside from that Parsley also found some pits right outside of the school. The stuff that filled them looked oddly similar to children with no blood. Parsley didn't give enough of a fuck to investigate it further however. "Least I ain't them."

She walked further and further into the academy and found this one room. She had never seen it beforehand and it piqued her interest greatly.

"Fucks this shit?"

She walked into the room and what she saw.. man just look at the title of this fucking thing

It was a giant seemingly endless hole of pitch black. She saw things inside it however, but nothing comprehensible to the human eye.

They were like concepts incarnate. The concepts of death, suffering, pestilence, war, somewhat decent writing and show running. The things that befell her eyes swirled in a dark wiggling motion in an almost hypnotic fashion.

Even though it was actually dead silent, to Parsley it sounded like there was a constant blowing and echoing wind in her ears, accompanied by what resembled groaning and screaming spirits.

Her eyes were stuck to it like glue, and she could feel herself falling inside despite being some feet away from it. What she felt was darkness, cold bitter darkness, dancing around her skin. It felt.. dreadful. Like a heavy mass of sludge was slowly pouring onto her shoulders and back, pulling her down further and further.

Parsley was slowly becoming very aware of the concepts. She became incredibly conscious of the inevitable fate of all living things, which is death. It churned in her mind like butter. The cold feeling only grew further and further as her perception of fate and life grew stranger and stranger.

The concept of suffering choked her by the throat; She couldn't breathe properly from the knowledge of how much of a grasp she had on it, and how it grasps every being in some way. In a somewhat ironic way, becoming aware of suffering caused her to suffer herself. 

Her brain was slowly breaking; It couldn't handle what it was receiving, and what Parsley was perceiving. The infinite darkness of it, the infinite amount of different concepts and their incomprehensible visualizations. She wanted to scream but could not. She wanted to run away and punch something but could not. Its like she was being held against her will.

Parsley stared into the abyss, and it was staring back.

Suddenly she snapped back to reality to a sharp and quick pain in the back of her head. Slowly she turned around to see Thyme with her hand to the side.

"Damn bitch you've been standing there for like 3 whole hours, u good?"


She wasn't good.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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parsley from high guardian spice stares into the abyss and it stared backWhere stories live. Discover now