Astrala: The 50's Anniversary

Start from the beginning

"You haven't changed since we last saw each other. And you still have the same natural taste in clothes I see."

"Yes, you can't break that habit from me," the lime-green laughed and looked over to the little crewmate on Volt's arm. "Hello Niri", she greeted the little one, who then snuggled up to her daddy with a huge grin on her face.

And she could understand that. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"How is your husband?" Volt asked now, looking at her intently.

The lime-green straightened one of the petals on her crown before saying, "He's been working from home continuously for 2 years now. I haven't met him in person since that time."

„But you both must have talked", Liss interjected questiongly.

"Of course", Kati replied fastly. „But I have to say, 2 years is a really long time. I don't know if I should tell you already, but the possibility is high that his time in home office is over today..."

"Oh, I know exactly what you're getting at!", Volt happily rejoiced. „Then we hope that he will make it in time."

"I think so", Kati murmured now, before she took Millie on her other arm, because a burning, muscular pain began to appear from carrying her on one side only.

"Where are all the others at? Have you guys seen them maybe?", Kati then asked carefully."

Liss gave her head a quick scratch before adjusting the pink inflatable flamingo on her head. "We just stopped by the Skeld half an hour ago, to see if we could help. I remember that we saw Zeki, Sasi and Leo already in the MedBay area. They were just unpacking the Lifelines. And Wik, Radie and Midnight were already getting the navigation system ready."

"So we just have to let our triplets know, as well as Andi, Chris, Juke, Fleeko, Hella and Kelly. It'll be fun", the lime-green exclaimed happily.

"Yes", Volt just grumbled. „That might take a while. When were we supposed to start again? I am honest, I forgot it already." "Soon", Kati just murmured as a reply.

„As soon as possible, Wiktor said. It's actually been a while since the last meeting, Volt just grumbled again and looked down on his feet. I don't remember much of it, I have better things to do in the meantime."

His maroon colored wife could clearly hear the shame in his voice. And that wasn't often the case. Not with the security-guard who was able to stand his ground in countless situations.

"Why is Wik actually stepping in as the new Captain?", he suddenly exclaimed. „I mean, seriously, he has no idea how to steer this ship!"

Liss then just sighed in the background and rolled her eyes as she heard that. It was that specific topic again. She knew from the meetings that Volt held a huge grudge against Wiktor for replacing their previous captain, who had been irreplaceable actually. And the gray one still didn't get along so well with that change.

He would much rather have seen Midnight, their blue, cybernetic crewmate, at the rank of captain. Or Radie, their locksmith and navigation expert. And from his point of view, it was understandable. These two had been the commanders under their previous captain and experience that their actual captain couldn't have. Wiktor had taken them both on as his commanders, as he had noticed why they had been commanders for so long in the first place.

 And the two of them flew the ship while the captain stood on the bridge and navigated, or in Wiktors case, at least tried it. Volt used to joke in private that the banana one couldn't read the map anyway just to relieve his built-up pressure. His wife was one of the few ones that were able to bring him down, including this time. "We wanted to look for the others, Volt", she reminded him now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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