"I was saying how incredibly smart you are. I don't know how you did that in Ms. O'Donall's. I would have been so embarrassed and not gotten it right. Especially a problem like that." I looked down at my hands as he spoke. "Would you want to help me study for her class? Let's just say I did not do too well on that test from last week." I looked back up at him and smiled. 

"Yea, I can do that." I grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch and noticed I should probably go home before dad freaks out. "I think I should go home." Steve nodded and we walked back to his car. The drive was quiet as I was worried about Max being alone with dad. Billy would only intervene if things got too physical and Susan, well, she is completely afraid of him.

"Is everything alright? You are being extra quiet." I looked over at Steve, plastering a fake smile on my face. 

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just tired." Steve turned down the road and I noticed dads car was still not in the driveway. He parked and unbuckled. "You don't have to walk me up, I'll be fine." 

"Are you sure? It's just a few steps." 

"No, seriously, I'm fine." I turned to see Billy staring at the door smoking as he watched us. I turned back to Steve who cupped my cheek. "Kiss me." We leaned into each other and our lips met. His other hand found mine on my leg and he held it for a minute before we pulled away from the kiss. 

"He's gone," Steve said as he looked behind me. I quickly grabbed my hand from his and took his jacket off of my lap. "Take it with you, then people might actually think this is real." I smiled as I got out of the car. 

"Thank you, Steve. I'll see you tomorrow." I walked up to the house and turned back to wave at Steve, who waited to leave until I was inside. Once inside, I heard Billy and Susan arguing in the kitchen and I walked to Max's room. I knocked on the door before opening it. She was asleep on the floor as she had been working on a project. "Hey, Max," I said quietly next to her. She opened her eyes slowly before rubbing them. "Here, get in bed." I helped her to bed as she smiled at me. 

"How was your date?" She asked tiredly. 

"It was nice. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow, you need some sleep." I tucked the blanket up around her before turning off the light on her nightstand. I picked up her project and set it on her dresser. 

"Goodnight, Beth." 

"Night, Max." I quietly shut her door and found Billy standing in the hallway. "What do you want?" 

"Are you going to tell dad about your little boyfriend?" He asked with his arms crossed. 

"Not yet," I said quietly. "If you tell him, Billy, he won't just hurt me so remember that. He will say how it was your duty to protect me and you failed." I walked to my room and shut the door behind me. I got undressed to put my pajamas on and examine the bruise on my ribcage. There was blood on the surface as it looked blistering. I pressed it lightly and winced in pain as I tried to keep myself from crying out. I put my pajamas on and locked my door before crawling into bed. 

The next morning at school, Robin and I walked to our lockers together to grab our books for first period. 

"I can't believe you said yes to fake dating Steve Harrington," Robin said mouthing the word fake. 

"Can we not talk about it please?" I said as I opened my locker. I began looking through my things for the right book. I felt arms wrap me in a hug from behind before being spun. I tried not to wince as the pain stung throughout my abdomen. Steve was staring down at me smiling. 

"Hi, babe." He placed a kiss on my lips before leaning me back against the locker next to mine. 

"Hi," I smiled back and he began playing with my hair as he leaned in close. 

"Did she walk past yet?" He whispered. I looked behind him as he began leaving little kisses down my neck. 

"Oh my gosh, gross you two. Can you stop?" Robin groaned from her locker. I watched as Nancy walked past us, sending daggers at us. 

"She's walking past," I whispered back as his hand moved down to my ass.  

"Is this ok?" He asked, his lips brushing against my neck. I nodded and he gently grabbed it. Nancy rolled her eyes at us and walked past us, never once taking her eyes off of Steve. 

"She's gone." He let go of my ass but left his hand on my side, right where it hurt. 

"Are you ok?" He asked moving his hand lower. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled before turning back into my locker to finish gathering my things. He poked my side and I inhaled in excruciating pain. The second day always hurt the most. 

"Elizabeth, you are not fine." He reached the hem of my shirt and began to lift it before I stopped him. 

"Steve, stop." I grabbed his hands and his eyes turned worried. "I'm fine and I need to get to class so I'll see you later." I started to walk away from both him and Robin. I turned into the bathroom quickly so neither of them could say anything to me. I set my stuff down before looking in the mirror, lifting my shirt a little to look at the damage. The door opened and I quickly put my shirt down. I turned to see Steve staring at me. "Steve, this is the ladies' room. Get out!" I walked over to him to try to get him to leave but instead, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a stall. 

"Steve what are you doing?" I asked as he locked the stall door. He turned to me without saying anything before lifting my shirt, revealing my horrible purple and green skin. 

"Elizabeth, what happened?" He asked, worry in his voice. I pulled my shirt down and pushed him away as he just stood staring at me. 

"Nothing, I just fell. That's all." 

"Bullshit. That doesn't look like it's from a fall." His eyes burned in me and I felt the hot tears in my eyes rolling down my cheek. 

"Just don't worry about it, ok? You aren't even my real boyfriend." I moved to unlock the stall door and walked out. I grabbed my things then left the bathroom and walked to class as quickly as possible. I walked in right as the bell rang and I noticed Nancy staring at me as I made my way to my seat. Class began as I tried not to think about what just happened. What would Steve think about me if he knew? What would dad do if Steve found out?

𝙴𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 ||𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚘𝚗Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang