Clipped Wings

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Fuck. I hate working on Rural cases. This time is some church? I'm not 100% on this case. I haven't had a break in days.

I yawn walking into the church.

"How dare you step into-"

"Scuse me" I send feathers to move everyone to the sides.

I look about and instantly wake up when I see it...or rather her. A woman chained to the wall. Giant white wings graced her back and the baren state of them alone was enough to make my blood boil.

I hear the other heros and enforcement behind me start the arrests while I stumbled forward.

Once I get close she flinched. She has...wraps over her eyes?

"Hey...are you hurt?"

She pressed against the wall panicked. She can definitely hear me.

"Hurt?" I say again kneeling down

"A- away from me!" She scrambled the wall her wings pulling around her

"I like your wings" I try

Now she's shaking.

"I have them too"

She stopped curiously, "R...really?"

"Yeah" I slowly creep a little closer. She tentatively reached out. I tried to grab her hand but she flinched when our skin touched

"Prove it!"

I reach a wing out pulling it around her. She looked panicked until she realized it's wings.

She shifted closer double checking before seeming hesitant again, "Why are you here?"

"Here to get you out of here" I use a feather to unlock the shackles.

She stumbled forward immediately clinging onto me.

"Ok ok, are you injured?" I look over her for anything

It was slow leading her out. First stop paramedics. They can check this head wrap too.

"No no no no!" She clung more when I tried to leave her grasp

"Sir, can you please wait with her?" The paramedic requested

"Of course" Sir? Seriously? Do I look that old? I'm Hawks! God fucking damnit


That's not good, "Whats wrong?"

"We don't know how long her eyes have been wrapped. It's been a significant amount of time though... with luck...her vision may be intact. In the meantime she'll be sensitive to light"

It was an hour later I realized the situation is even worse. She doesn't trust anyone. Except me. I try not to fumble as I feel her cling to my jacket sleeve.

"These people are good" I try

She shook her head hard clinging harder, "They- They are gonna rip me apart"

"What do you mean by that?"

"They'll take my feathers" she folded her wings close to her body and I responded without thinking pulling her closer to me and wrapping a protective wing around her

"No, they are good people. No one is going to do that"

She clung to me hiding her face in my chest.

"Look. kinda a busy person. I need to go save people just like you.

I try and squat down so maybe she'll be feel less anxious but I yelp when she bowled me over the minute she lost contact from me.

She's fucking terrified...I feel bad but I gotta go back to the city. I have shit to do.

Hawks x Fem Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now