chapter fifteen

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After the whole deal with your dad, you decided you needed to take nap. You and Eddie went and laid in his bed and slept for 4 hours. That was one of the best sleeps in your life.

You looked down at your watch, 12:30 PM. You rolled over to look at Eddie. You knew you would need his help getting all of your shit, but you didn't want him to see your father again. You didn't know what would happen.

You gently shook Eddie, trying to softly wake him up. "Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie." You whisper in his ear. He groans and moves, trying to closer to you. "Eddie you've got to wake up. We have to go get my stuff." You say to him. He still has his eyes shut and doesn't say a word.

You groan and move closer to him "Eddie, if you don't get your ass out of this bed, I will never fuck you again." You whisper in his ear. His eyes shot open and looked at you. "You wouldn't dare." He says. "I don't know Ed's. You don't wanna find out." You say.

You slide out of the bed and stretch your arms over your head. You wiggle your ass a little to try and get Eddie's attention. It most definitely does. He crawls over to you and grabs your waist, holding you in place. He then kisses your ass cheek, definitely leaving a mark.

"You couldn't resist me, even if you had to." He says smirking. "Come on Ed's get up please. I wanna get this over with." You say. Eddie points his finger at you and motions that you come down to his level. You bend down facing him and he gives you a kiss. "Anything for you darlin'."

Eddie gets out of the bed and puts some clothes on. You tell his uncle where you're going and head out the door. Eddie plays some music to try and distract you, but it doesn't work.

All you could think about what was your mother was going to say. And what you were going to say to her. "Y/n, you okay over there? You kind of zoned out." Eddie says. "Oh yeah sorry Ed's. I'm okay. I'll be better after I talk to my mother." You say. You didn't want to hurt your mother more than what she already was. You couldn't just leave her like your sisters did.

You heard a car door open and you looked up, you were sitting in the driveway of your old home. You sighed as Eddie opened your door for you. You looked at him and smiled. "Thank you Ed's. I really appreciate it. More than you know." You looks at you and smiles too.

You get out of the van and walk to the door. You groan and knock on the door. Your mother opens it and smiles at you. " oh y/n. I knew you'd come home. I've missed you." You give her a hug. You pull away and look at her. "No mom, I'm sorry. I've come to get my stuff and move in somewhere else." You say. Eddie steps from around the corner and your mom looks surprised. "Ah okay darling." Your mom says.

You were surprised she didn't look at Eddie with disgust. He was not the type your mom wanted you to love. He was exactly the opposite. "We'll i take it this is who you've been living with the past couple of days." She said. You nod your head yes and look at Eddie. He looks terrified of what your mom is about to say.

She walks up to Eddie and gives him a hug. "Thank you for keeping my daughter safe. Thank you for providing her a place to live. I cannot thank you enough." Your mom says. Eddie looks over her shoulder at you and smile. You never thought these words would come out of her mouth.

She lets go of Eddie and looks at you. "Your father told me what happened. I tried to get him to stop and let you go, I knew he would go too far." You shook your head as you looked to the ground. "No it's okay mom. It needed to happen. He needed to let me go, and I needed to let him go." You say. Your eyes were full of tears and so we're your moms.

"We'll honey, I'm not going to stop you any longer. Go ahead and get your stuff. I will talk to you when you get done." You mom says. You and Eddie turn to walk up the stairs. You turn around to your mom. "Hey dad isn't here is he?" She shakes her head no and you two continue up the stairs.

You reach your bedroom and open the door. You take a deep breath and walk in. You looked around and everything was just as you left it. The picture frame shattered on your floor. Your closet door open and half of your clothes missing. It all hit you, this would be the last time that I'm going to step foot in this room, your room you've had since you were 8 years old.

You started crying and Eddie came up behind you and gave you a hug. "Hey hey hey. It's alright, let it all out." He says trying to calm you down. "Eddie. This is the only home I remember. I don't know anything else." You say. You turn around to him and he places his hand on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. "Hey I understand. I get it. It's okay sweetheart. It's okay." You pull away from him and smile. "Thank you Ed's." He looks down at you and smiles.

You and Eddie start packing up all of your stuff into suitcases and backpacks. Eddie moves from your closet to your dresser and opens the first drawer. "Oh my oh my. Take a look at what we have here." He says. He holds up a set of lingerie that you had bought.

You start blushing just looking at him holding it. "I bet you would love lovely in this," he says coming closer to you "but I bet it would look better on my bedroom floor." He smirks as he says the last part. You start blushing even more just thinking about it. "Okay Ed's calm down before you get hard." You say. You look at Eddie and now he is blushing.

You two finish getting all of your personal stuff out of your old room and start walking to the door. Eddies van had about 4 suitcases in it and some boxes that had your stuff you didn't want broken or lost.

You walk back into the front door and see your mom sitting in the kitchen, crying. You walk over and sit beside her. "Mom. I still love you. Just because of this stuff that dad did, doesn't mean you can't be in contact with me." You say. She looks up at you and smiles. "Of course honey. There is just one more thing I need to tell you." She says.

She grabs your hand and takes a deep breath. "I'm leaving your father." She says. You look at her and your mouth was hung open. "Mom. What?" you can't believe it. Your mom standing behind your father was one of the main reasons you left. And now she was leaving. What was she thinking? "I can't stand behind your father knowing that he has done this. I can't stay with him knowing what all he's done and he didn't care at all." She said. She looked at you and smiles.

"All I've wanted in my life was for you and your sisters to grow up and not end up like me. I dated your father because he was the captain of the football, basketball, and baseball team. I didn't date him because I loved him. I just wanted to be popular. I projected that onto you three and I deeply regret it. I should've never interfered with your lives like I have and I will never forgive myself by doing so. I see how Eddie looks at you. I wish your father would look at me like that, but he doesn't." You turn around and look and Eddie and smile. "Eddie is something special to you, and I can see that now. Y/n. Is there anyway you can forgive me?"

You look at your mom and her tears are falling down her face. You have waited all of your life to hear her say something like that. To hear her say she was sorry for making your life hell, it kind of made the situation better. "Yes mom i can forgive you. I love you." You say.

You two stand up and give each other a hug. Tears fall down from your eyes, to your cheek, down to your moms shoulders. "Oh I love you so much sweetheart." She says. She pulls away and wipes your tears. "Mom what's going to happen?" you ask. You knew she would leave, but you didn't know where she was going to go. "Oh sweetheart, don't worry. I've talked to your sisters about this." You smile. Wait? She's talked to my sisters?

"What did they say?" You ask. "I'm moving to Seattle." Your sister has just bought a house and I'm going to be living with them until I can get back on my feet." She says.

It hurt like hell to know that your mother would be leaving you in this town, but you had Eddie to make everything okay.

She turns to look at Eddie. "You take care of her. And don't do anything stupid to mess it up. I can tell she cares for you and you care for her. Don't let her get into any trouble." You mom says. Eddie laughs and says "Yes ma'am. I promise. She's not going anywhere." He says.

You and your mom give each other one last hug and you walked to the door. "Let me know before you leave. I'd like to see you." You say. "I will honey. Just be safe. I love you." Your mom say. She leans in and gives you and hug.

You and Eddie say goodbye to your mom and walk to the van. You look at Eddie and smile. You two get in the van and you look back at him. "Hey Ed's. Can you promise me something?" You say to him. He grabs your hand and says "Yes y/n." You took a deep breath. "Promise me you're never going to leave me." I say. He looks at me and smiles. "Darlin' I wouldn't ever think to do something like that."

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