1. You gotta fix this now

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First chapter!
Credits to Groovyblep on instagram for the art!

kinks: hair pulling, dirty talk, praise, blowjob (starting kinda soft since it's the first one)
Steve Harrington

Today is saturday, which means i got to sleep a little bit more since Robin works the morning. I woke up peacefully and looked at the clock on the wall.


"Perfect" I thought, since it meant I still had two full hours to get ready and ride to work before my shift started. I got out of bed, picked a red t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I took off my clothes and stared at myself in the mirror for a few minutes, making embarrassing expressions and poses trying to look more charismatic. "I should really shave my chest, this shit's itchy" I said to myself before getting in the shower.

I closed my eyes and let the warm water hit my face and the back of my neck, hoping for it to make it hurt less since I always woke up with strong neck pain. Probably due to the strange positions I slept in.

After I finished washing myself, I got dressed and started styling my hair, this step usually takes around an hour, that's why I only take 5 minutes to shower every morning. After doing my hair I got downstairs and started making breakfast, some toasts with butter and orange juice (orange juice>>>>>).

I got so lost in my thoughts while eating that i didn't ever bother looking at the time, fortunately I still had around 20 minutes to get to work. So I put my jacket on, opened the door, and before closing it I looked around my kitchen and living room.

"Feels so boring, maybe I should get a dog"
I thought before closing and locking the door and heading to my car, I looked at myself in the mirror and put my sunglasses on before starting the car. I turned on the radio and put it on one of those channels where people talk about stuff you don't really care about but at least they keep you some company.

"Hello Hawkins! Today is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining bright! My wife however doesn't see it the same way, she mustn't have drank her coffee yet!
-Hey I heart that!

"Hahaha.. hilarious." I said before turning off the radio and getting out of my car, slamming the door a bit too hard. I quickly entered the mall and walked in Scoops Ahoy.

"Good morning dingus! Had a good sleep?"
I heard a voice scream from a few meters.

"Yeah kinda, got a lot of clients?"

"Nah this morning was kinda boring, thank god you arrived, I think I'll stay with you a few minutes, I got nothing better to do anyways"

She said happily, I replied with a small laugh and went to put my uniform on, when I walked back to the counter, Robin was there talking to a long haired man dressed in black, he was leaning on the counter and had one hand in the back pocket of his black pants. He was wearing a black Metallica t-shirt and his fingers were full of rings, It didn't take me a long time to recognize him.

Eddie "The Freak" Munson.

Since when were Robin and The freak friends? She never told me about this. I was so focused on Eddie's hands that i didn't notice Robin walking towards me. They're full of rings of different sizes and he was playing with the one on his index finger. She put a hand on my shoulder and it made me jump a little

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