A Rustle Of The Wind

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Gareth's pov

Running after y/n down the hallway felt like being in a movie , some teenage dirtbag film where two friends break into the school in the middle of the night in the summer . I imagined that if this was a scene , some cheesy music would be playing over us running through the halls and down towards the exit doors . However , it wasn't summer , it was fall , the cold air biting our noses through the open windows , and even though it was only 7pm , the light of the sun was slowly slipping behind the trees of the forest , shrouding the whole school in a deep orange glow .

I laughed as I was catching up with y/n , the idea of being in a movie tickling me . You're faster than you look , you shithead . We turned a corner , me right on his tail , but I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I felt my feet slip and lost my footing . Tumbling dramatically , I fell to the ground , hard , hitting my arm against the cold floor .

"fuck..." I groaned , hearing y/n halt .

"Shit , you okay , man ?" he started jogging back towards me , out of breath .

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment at falling . He crouched down and held his hand out , and I tried to play off just getting hurt , but I felt two soft hands grip my own to hoist me up .

"You took that race way too seriously ," he laughed , one hand still holding mine . A shiver ran through my skin at his touch , it felt so soft but the smooth metal of the back of his rings gave me chills . Chills that I couldn't understand .

He noticed me staring at his hand atop of mine , and softly let it go , fingers trailing along my knuckles as his the feeling of the touch lingered on my skin . He let out an airy laugh .

"You hurt ?" he asked , tilting his head . Cute- fuck sake Gareth stop being weird .

I shook my head , "Nah I'm good , can we walk the rest of the way though ?"

He nods again , still looking at me hesitantly . That god damn gaze .

"Seriously , I'm okay , don't worry , probably just a bruise or something ," I shrugged , walking alongside him down the hall towards the exit door , my heart pounded at the sheer embarrassment I felt .

As we approached the doors , he laid his hand on my shoulder , that same stupid giddy feeling rising in my chest . You've only just met him , stop it .

"You free tomorrow ? " he asked , a look of genuine friendliness on his face , but he sounded somewhat anxious .

"If you wanted to ask me out on a date you could've come with flowers or some shit ," I joked , suddenly regretting my choice of words . What if he thought that sounded weird ?

But to my surprise , of which he was full of apparently , he snickered , his voice more relaxed and his smile tugging at his cheeks .

I barely knew this guy , but in the dim orange light of the setting sun and now in the cold air of the parking lot , he looked amazing .

"Well I didn't know what you liked , love , of course I couldn't bring anything ," he said sarcastically , nudging me with his shoulder , hands stuffed into his pockets .

That same spark , that same shiver , again . I felt it course through my skin , like electricity . Not just the touch of him , the words he spoke . Such empty words with such strong meaning .

We heard the others call our names at the same time , our heads snapping round to the two vans .

"C'mon lover boy we haven't got all day , I gotta drop you all off ," Andy shouted to y/n , earning an eye roll in response as he turned back to me .

"Meet at the park near the school , noon ?" He asked , to which I responded with a smile and a nod .

He returned the smile and ruffled my hair , fingers stroking my head softly . Normally , if someone did this , I'd skin them alive , but something about the way he did it made so much difference . I watched as he walked over to the others , getting nudged by one of the guitarists before climbing into the front seat , the creaky black door of Andy's van slamming behind him . I made my way over to Eddie's van , the others' mouths agape .

"You'll catch flies if you drop your jaws any lower , c'mon I want to go home ," I walked past and jumped in the passenger seat , but I could feel my cheeks burning .

Eddie jumped into the drivers seat seconds after , still staring , completely gobsmacked .

"What , dude ?" I side-eyed him .

"I'd get skinned alive if I did that !" He denounced , adding a dramatic flare of his hands as he started the van , music quietly playing from the radio .

"Whatever ," I scoffed , looking out the window at the other band's van , seeing Joy wave through the window from one of the back seats in the van .

I waved back , not exactly looking at her .

Y/n had rested his head against the window , his eyelids falling as he nodded off .

Eddie started the van , backing up and driving out of the school .

"Seriously though , man , what kind of spell did that guy put on you ?" He chuckled , turning the music up a bit , "it's a miracle ."

I have no clue . So I just shrugged .

"So does that mean we can ruffle those luscious locks of yours now , too , Gareth the Great ," Jeff teased from behind me .

"In your dreams , asshole ," I flipped him off with a smirk .

So why did I let y/n do it with not so much as a second glance ?

Rival BandsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora