SEVENTEEN... by the book

Start from the beginning

Nodding, Charlie ruminated over Collins's answer. She sounded honest. She was bringing books with her so she planned on getting some schoolwork in which was all he could've really asked of her. Overall, she wasn't giving him any warning signs to be worried about- except in the fact that she was being so incredibly unspecific about her supposed "plans" that didn't seem that riveting for her to be rushing to get to.

But what could he say right now? He would've hated it if their mom or dad pressed him about what he was doing, where he was going, and who he was going with all the time. He might've also maybe liked it because that would then show him that they had at least a sliver of care for him, and he took those as they came sparingly. For the most part, if they'd done it repetitively, questioning him every single time he left the house, it would've driven him insane. Charlie couldn't do that with Collins.

"Okay." He finally said, Collins's soft exhale in relief going unnoticed by him. "You know what I've got to say. Stay safe, don't be stupid, have fun."

Collins smiled, then began making her way past him and out of the house. "Thanks, Charlie."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Charlie began digging into the pockets of the jacket he had discarded on the floor. He fished out a couple of bills and held them out to Collins. "This is from Midsummers. It's technically what you would've been paid if you'd stayed but I know you've got tests and stuff to pay for so you can just have mine. I've got tips to cover me anyways, so don't even try to fight it."

Collins looked at the wad of cash being presented to her, most of which were big bills in twenties, then turned back up to look at Charlie. "But, you worked for that. I left, I don't deserve your reward."

"What'd I just say?" Charlie scoffed, shaking his head at her before waving the money more aggressively at her. "Take it. I know it's not enough, but save it up for your tests, then blow Duke out of the fucking water."

A small chuckle came from Collins at her brother's crude encouragement that worked like a charm every single time. Although not her style, she loved it when it came from Charlie. He was her biggest fan, her first supporter. And because of their terrible parents, he was her best guardian. Taking the money appreciatively into her own hands, Collins threw her arms around Charlie's shoulders and hugged him tightly. "I love you, big brother."

"Love you, too, Colls." Charlie said back to her, his heart warmed.

Easing herself out of his embrace, Collins smiled thankfully. "I better go, have a good day at work."

She cast him one last warmhearted gaze, along with a wave, before leaving the house with a final snap of the screen door. From there on as she walked over to John B's, all Collins could think about was how she was about to repay the debt she owed to her brother. This wad of cash in her back pocket was just the beginning of what she planned on soon giving back to him. Once they got their gold money, Collins would be able to present it to Charlie with the full intention of letting him do with the majority of it as he pleased. Of course a certain amount of it would be set aside for her schooling, and probably to take care of a couple outstanding bills, but for the most part, there'd be a lot left over.

Maybe Charlie could finally afford to take a couples days off in the week instead of working like a dog all the time. He'd then have time for his own hobbies. He could focus on music more, he could get that tattoo that he's always thought about getting, or he could start that edible business with Ricky because in all seriousness, Charlie could make some mouth-watering brownies.

Collins wanted those things for him, she'd wished for those things for as long as she could remember. And she knew that he deserved it so she was determined to make it a reality for him no matter how long it took.

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