"are you sure you want to eat that, becky?" chrissy asked, a tone of judgement in her voice. becky hesitated for a moment to answer, genuinely stunned.

"yeah.." the girl says, head tilted a bit. she was honestly so confused. she'd eaten donuts many times with chrissy before pep rally's.

chrissy just nods, looking around at the other girls like they would know and agree with what she's attempting to say. "i'm just worried, becky, that, you know.." she starts.

becky's hand had been hovering over the small box this whole time, chrissy catching her so off guard she paused all movements. that was until now, when she dropped her hand and stood up straight, eyebrows scrunched together as she stared at chrissy. "no, chris, i don't know." she shook her head.

"you just might look bloated before the game, that's all." chrissy rushes out. "it's not a good for us to look fat."

becky was now genuinely shocked. this didn't sound like chrissy—the chrissy she'd grown closer to over this new school year. besides, becky had brought up how she felt about her body to chrissy before, so she was hurt that she was turning this on her now.

becky was skinny, yes. she had a flat stomach and skinny arms that looked weak. but the curves on her body always seemed to make more of an impression on her body. people had been commenting on it since she started high school. some good, most just confused. and some bad ones. she'd gotten used to it from strangers, but her friend? she was hurt.

"what? do you want to be fat?" chrissy asks, face scrunched in disgust. "you're a flyer, are you trying to break the girls bones? you'll weigh down our whole squad!"

becky's let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in since chrissy began making these rude comments, her breath shaky.
"chris.." becky started, but her attention was immediately taken away when she heard the sound of four loud grandfather clock chimes. again.

turning her head, she saw one on the other end of the gym, everything clicking in her mind again. becky wasn't sure what any of this was, but she'd began chopping up all the weird or hurtful things she's experienced in the last day to this.

"you're going to die fat and lonely! do you want to die fat and lonely?" this chrissy gaslit the situation, her voice rhetoric, threatening, and becoming distorted.

the clock chimed loudly, only chiming four at a time, becky overhearing chrissy's voice, repeating over and over again, "do you want to die?" her voice was distorted now. like how her other nightmares had been.

this was different, though. she was awake.

becky just closed her eyes, tears leaving them as she tried to escape whatever her mind was doing to her. this time, she was successful, because soon the intense chiming had stopped and all becky could hear was concern.

"are you okay, becky?" chrissy asked the girl. becky opened her eyes to find herself back in her position from moments ago, reaching for the donuts. "you look like you zoned out." chrissy comments.

becky let out a quiet shaking breath and just nodded, plastering a fake grin on her face. "i'm good. just.. excited for the donut." that was a lie, she almost wanted nothing to do with food anymore. she felt so sick to her stomach, now.

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