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I was always a mommy little girl so she treated like a baby and i acted like her baby girl she dress me in baby clothes wear diapers and give me pacifiers and etc. i didnt mind i was a baby again but i hated cuz she made me use my diaper even tho im potty train

"Okay sweetie im going to the store do u want to come?" I look over from watching tv and nod at her"mhm b-but i pepe in my diaper mommy" she smile"its okay lets change u before we leave" she changes me and gives me my cup full of water and i drink it and she puts me in the car and she dives and i hum drinking all my water thinking i didnt need to go cuz I already went bedore we leave i finish drinking my water and we get there and she takes me out we walk in the store

She let me walk instead of putting me in the cart i walk next to her while she shop then the urge to pee hit me I didn't tell mommy cuz we wasnt near a bathroom so well she was turned I squat down and in my dress and i let the stream flow in my diaper and i smile liking the feelings "Sssss" it made a little sound and i look at mommy to see if she heard it but didnt and i finish and i get up like nothing mom turn to me"do u need to pepe baby? U had a lot to drink" i shake my head no" no mommy im good" she nod and we keep shopping and we got done i wet my diaper 2 more times by the time we got to the car my diaper was Soaked and gotten bigger and mom looks" sweetie did u pee in ur diaper?" I look and nod softly and look down and she lay down in the backseat "baby ur diaper is soaked how many times did u pee in it?" I look at her"umm 2 time, im sorry mommy i didnt want to bother u" she shake her head and changed in and i sit up and she put the foor away and she gets in

She drives and looks at me" im not mad baby jusy tell me next time okay?" I nod smiling" can we stop to get food im hungry" she thinks and nod and she pulled in Taco bell

We ate and we got back in the car and i rub my tummy and mom looks" do u need to go 1 or 2?" I look up at her"2 mommy" "okay sweetie u can go" i spread my legs a little in the back seat while she drives and i start to push groaning but nothing came out" mommy it hurts but nun is coming out" she look back at me" its okay baby just wait until we get home, i will gibe u something to help"

I nod and i keep my legs open a little rubbing my tummy and pee comes out but nun else we get home and we go to my room and she get some cream and she told me to lay on the floor and i did so she took off my diaper and put some cream on my asshole a little and stick her finger in a little with the cream and i gasp and move"o-ow mommy that hurt" she put my diaper back on and look"im sorry im trying to help u come here " she sit on the chair and i sit on ur lap and lay my head on her shoulder and she rub my back softly"just relax" i close my eyes and i rub my tummy a little feeling my shit get lose so i start pushing still on mommy lap and i groan softly as she keep rubbing my back and it start to come out Liquidy and i groan pushing more and it comes out easy and farts slip out too and she start bouncing me to make it easy and i push more groaning" mommy it not stoping, it more coming" pushing more and my diaper fills up with brown and it gets bigger and i start peeing too after 1 min it stops and i sigh and buy that time my diaper starts to leak on mommy lap and i sit on ur leg and it mushing around leaking out and she looks" all better now sweetie" i nod and look" but its all over ur leg and me" she looks"yes it is i guess its time for a bath" she lays me down and take my diaper off seeing the mess and she cleans my up all nice and good then

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