Max was freaking out now, his eyes wide and still somehow managing to become fierce. "Carly, sweetie, go upstairs, and grab a gun. We can kill him, then get out of here. The moment he gets home. We don't have a lot of time. I may have not been the best dad ever, but I'd like to try, so go get uncle Als gun" Max said, and the girl nodded, stomping up the stairs, crying. 

"I can't believe my brother would do this. And let me, and my daughter, play a sick role in this. He's sick, he really is. I don't care about myself, I care about you guys. I care that he killed other parents children, and if we had stayed here any longer, he would have killed mine" Max sobbed, as we stared. We had never seen a grown man cry, and it wasn't normal to be seen. But it was appropriate. 

Finney hugged me now, scared, frozen, and clinging onto me like his life depended on it. I hugged him back, unaware of what was necessary for me to do. We just had to get The Grabber to open the padlock, then we could kill him. He can be shot with his very own gun, blood spewing out of his open wound. A satisfying, and hopefully slow and agonizing, death. A death that takes hours, as he chokes on his very own blood, afraid to move or lose himself too quickly. I want him suffocated by himself, the way he made me feel these past weeks. The way he made me feel when he decided to take my brother. 

I was caught in my emotions, stuck on my own guard, so much so I hadn't even heard The Grabber come downstairs, swinging a bloody weapon. "Max! Watch out!" Griffin shouted, but it was too late, as a piercing sound was made against Max's misshapen head. He let out an agonizing croak, his eyes fear-stricken. We let out screams, as he took three steps, then fell to the ground, dead. I ran over to him, staring at my best friend's dad's dead body. The blood oozing on my hands, circling and whisping like any other liquid, except it was different. A sign is death, internal poison. 

I stood up, and stared behind the agitated Grabber. "You, you made me kill my brother" he spat, and I looked atop of him. Carly. She stood there, pistol fresh in her hands, safety off, cocked and loaded, tears staining her blue eyes. She swallowed her fear, then screamed. A blood curdling, agonizing scream, and a string of words. 

"YOU KILLED MY FATHER YOU F*CKING D*CKWAD A*SHOLE" she shouted, pointing a gun at him. He stepped down, glaring at his niece, her rage retaining itself just enough for her to make her way down the stairs. "Normally, I would kill you on my own. Just like you killed my father. But I'm not the important one in this situation, they are" Carly said, pointing her eyes at me. I didn't have time to think, before a deep black gun was propped in my hands. I held it, unable to use words. Just a silence in the world, where nobody could care, as I almost cried. 

But, I held it up, my eyes glowing with fiercness, and fear. Two separate feelings, total opposite, felt the same way towards the same antagonist. I didn't know if I should shoot, or threaten him and run. I could end this, right here and now. This could be the end. The petty revenge. And it's all up to me, it's my decision, as I am now the one with the honor of holding the gun. The gun that Carly would have died if she hadn't gone to retrieve. 

This gun represents something. The trauma I have been consuming my entire childhood, slowly eating the insides of me. This could be my fresh new beginning. But what if it fails? What if I miss and shoot the wrong person. I was scared, sure, especially by the fact that I could tell, quite well actually, 

the gun only had one bullet. 

I swallowed back my own fear, in a washover of guilt. I wanted to scream, shout, tell him every negative feeling I've ever had against him, how I'm glad that I might kill him, and he deserves to be dead, as he stands there, afraid to move, prepared to save his own life. The life he doesn't deserve. We do, we deserve it. He deserves nothing, and therefore he shall get nothing. He shall be left to rot in jail, a grave, or a care home for the medically disabled for the rest of his life. If he still has one by the end. 

But I didn't. I kept my composure, because I had no choice. I couldn't change my outcome. My way to be. All I could do was hold the gun pathetically, mentally bickering myself about if I should help, as I am internally hoping I have enough guts to actually shoot if I wanted to. Even if I chose not to, I'd like to know if I'm brave enough to attempt it anyway. And just pray that I am enough. Enough to survive, final survivor material. Max wasn't, and neither will he. 

Carly and the boys stared at me, surprised me if I hadn't made my decision. I had tried, hard enough, but it had never worked. I need to figure out, what I plan to do. I need to make my own decision, but I think I know it. I know my own answer, I'm just scared to do it. Once I manage to do what I've been desiring, my life will be changed forever. I'll go back to my own normal life, without my normal personality or body, considering I am amazingly malnourished. 

"Go on, we don't have all day" Carly whispered, as Finney put his hands on my shoulders. The Grabber glared at me, reaching into his own pocket. There, was a gun. The same gun I had, maybe a duplicate. He held it at me, and smiled creepily. "You shoot me, I shoot you, then I shoot her, and all your little guy friends" he threatened through gritted teeth. 

"Do it. Kill me. I've got nothing. Nothing you haven't already taken away from me. Do it, take me out of my own internal misery" I said, staring him in the eyes, the eyes swollen behind his mask. His stupid, pathetic, mask. I feel pathetic myself, but I have to take the risk. I can shoot, or I can let him shoot. One of us, if not both of us, could survive. We just have to take the actual chance to do it. 

Everybody had gulped, the boys were scared behind me. Vance glared, his eyes fired with anger, and I know once I shoot this gun The Grabber won't die on site, he'll die by Vance beating him to death. I need to be prepared, I've never shot a gun before. Much less used on a true human being, But who am I kidding? He's not a human being, he's a monster, a monster who hides himself in his own pathetic fear and fantasies of little boys, or kids in general. Because that's who he is, a monster who likes to kidnap, r*pe, and kill little kids. And he can die a monster. 

I sighed, swallowed my fear, thought my last thoughts, and held the gun higher, at his neck, where his voicebox boomed. Then, he did the same to me, and all I could hear from my ringing and deathly ears was a loud, sickening, disturbing, blood curdling shot, as I heard everybody behind me scream. 



hey! Last chapter will be up tonight or tomorrow! Find out who went out with a bang! 

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