10 - wedding part 2

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Gru quickly composes himself before Alaina comes back in the room. "What was that about?" she asks. Gru avoids her gaze "Nothing, when the ceremony starting?" Alaina smiles a little, but is still a bit suspicious "Now actually, come on, let's go"

She takes his arm and leads him to the alter. The place where the ceremony would take place is magical. It was mostly white and beige colours and looked like a princesses castle. Gru nervously waits at the alter, waiting for his soon to be husband to arrive

Guests flocked in and took their seats, Jeyda and Alaina are standing at different sides of the alter, with Jeyda tapping her foot restlessly. "Where are they?" she huffs "The ceremony was supposed to start 5 minutes ago!" Alaina just shakes her head in amusement at her frustration while Gru tries to call her down

After another minute, the doors finally open. The guests stand and El, Maira and Gru's girls walk in, slowly spreading flower petals down the aisle. Then, Vecna walks in. All the guests gasp at how handsome he looked. Gru turns around and his eyes widen

A blush spreads across his face and he smiles. When Vecna reaches the alter, Gru whispers in his ear "You look amazing" Vecna blushes and listens to the Priest talk about their vows

They say their vows "Do you, Gru, take Vecna, to be your husband?" Gru smiles at his husband "I do" The Priest turns to Vecna "And do you Vecna, take Gru, to be your husband?" Vecna looks at Gru with tears in his eyes "I do"

They both put the rings on each other fingers "Before i can commence the wedding, does anyone oppose of this marriage?" Silence fills the room "Great now i announce you-" The doors to the hall slam open

"I object!" The voice says. All the guests gasp and the maids of honour and bridesmaids glare at the person. "Lucy? What are you doing?" Gru says, anger evident in his voice. "I do not approve of this marriage"

"But why? You're the one who cheated on Gru" Vecna says. Lucy smirks and looks Gru dead in the eye "Because i love him, and i'm sure Gru feels the same way" The guests gasp again. Vecna looks at his husband shocked "Gru...what does she mean by that?"

Gru was about to reply, but Lucy cut him off "Well, before the wedding started, he told me he wanted me back" Vecna's eyes widen  "And he kissed me" Tears fill Vecna's eyes. He turns to his, ex, husband "Gru, i can't believe you!" he shouts

"Vecna it's not what it looks like-" But in a second, Vecna walks away. Furiously wiping tears from his eyes. Jeyda, Alaina, El and Maira all follow him, going to comfort the sad man. Gru walk up to Lucy and grabs her by the shoulders "What the hell?! That's not what happened!" Lucy laughs

She leans into his ear "I know, but now, no one will believe you" She goes to give him a kiss but he pushes her away "Get out. I don't want to see your face ever again" She frowns and tucks a piece of ginger hair behind her ear "Fine, but you'll regret it"

She leaves the hall, Gru looks at the guests. They were still shook. Gru apologises and goes to find his husband...

to be continued

Lucy you bum how dare you ruin vecru 😡

Hopefully they make up 🙏🙏

A new cameo for next chap 🤭

anyway have a great day/night <33

My villain 💗 - Gru x Vecna Where stories live. Discover now