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how you get the girl
(yes, the taylor swift song)

Eleanor Harrington met Nancy Wheeler at the end of her freshmen year of high school

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Eleanor Harrington met Nancy Wheeler at the end of her freshmen year of high school. They were in the same class but had never spoken until they were partnered up by the teacher.

Nancy was quite shy at the time. Nora, was the opposite. So, she talked to Nancy who eventually became comfortable and talked back.

They were working on their project all week.

Friday came around, and they weren't finished their project, which was due on Monday. Nancy invited Nora over her house after school. They had a 2 day sleepover — Friday into Saturday, and Saturday into Sunday.

They did not finish their project.

Instead, they just talked and bonded. They read each other books they found off of Nancy's shelves and braided each others hair.

They became good friends.

Nancy introduced Nora to Barbara Holland.

Nora and Barb never became close, but they both had one thing in common — they were crushing on Nancy Wheeler.

Their freshmen year of high school ended and they saw summer as an opportunity to become even closer.

Nora and Nancy's first kiss was on the first Saturday of July. They'd never established with each other what they were, but it went unspoken. They were girlfriends.

They spent the next month having sleepovers and hanging out. Nancy's first sleepover at Nora's house was fun. Nancy went downstairs to get water in the middle of the night when she met Steve. Their conversation was unimportant.

Nancy broke up with Nora in the beginning of August. Something about the summer almost being over and having to make time for her other friends. Nora didn't remember. She didn't listen.

Steve and Eleanor were close, mostly because they were close in age. Nora knew that Steve was a douche to girls at school. She didn't acknowledge it because it didn't involve her.

November 1983

Steve had told Nora he was having some friends over while their parents were gone. He told her to stay in her room. It didn't bother her, she would've spent the night reading anyways.

Nora went downstairs to make herself a snack when she saw Barb.

"Barb? What are you doing here?"

"I came with Nancy. It doesn't matter. Where's the bathroom?"

"It's over there."

Barb walked away and Nora walked over to the glass sliding doors that led to the backyard.

She saw Steve and Nancy. It broke her heart. She didn't know they were dating. Nora told Steve her and Nancy weren't friends in September. She didn't tell him they were dating because she was 90% sure he was homophobic.

Nora zoned out when Nancy's eyes met hers through the glass doors. Nora noticed and went back in her room.


Nora was at the movie theater a couple of days after that. She was leaving when she saw Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers approaching the entrance. Nancy was visibly distraught.

"Nancy? What's wrong?"

"Your douchebag brother is what's wrong!"

Before Nora could respond, Nancy was already walking away. Nora looked up to see the spray paint on the entrance. She didn't care to follow Nancy. She just walked away.


Steve asked Nora to go somewhere with her. She wasn't sure where, but she went. She was willing to get out of the house.

Steve pulled into the Byers' driveway and told Nora to stay in the car. She didn't question it.

She stayed in the car until she saw the lights flicker and gunshots. Her first instinct was to run inside to see what happened. That's what she did.

She was confused and then the lights started flickering again. Next thing you know she's running away from a demogorgon in Jonathan Byers' house.

Nancy and Nora talked before her and Steve left. They decided that they weren't friends and they weren't lovers. They were just people who were aware of each other's existence. It wasn't like they were in love with each other.


Nora spent most of her evenings at the skate park. That's how she met Max Mayfield. They would meet up most days at the skate park. It was nice.

Nora went with Steve when he drove to Nancy's house to give her flowers. Only, he didn't give her flowers and soon they were at Dustin's house looking for his pet demogorgon.

She went with them as they laid food out for Dart and when they met Nancy and Jonathan at the gates of the lab.


note: this was bad and not detailed at all but it'll get better
word count: 752

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