Pt 1

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?: "you are a mistake you hear me?! I never wanted you in my life, you're such pain in my ass! You know what's the worse part is? the woman i loved so much and been more then happy with her is dead because of you!"

?: "You know what, Dad? You are the worse. I never asked to be born. I'm debsated that I've never met her and loved her like you did. But I'll be never sorry about who i am, and i know I'm just like her, i saw pictures and videos and even red about her. You hate me for being similar to her."

Dad: "You're nothing like her! Don't you dare to say that or-"

?: "Or what dad? You're going to punch me like you do every day? No. I don't think it will effect me no more."
I took my knife that was in my back pocket and stabbed him in his chest.
He looked at me with fear on his face and tears in his eyes.

Dad: "Y/n- wh- what did y- you do..?"

Y/n: "I did what you deserve." I said while a tear was rolling down my cheek.
I took the knife out of his chest, and he dropped

Y/n: "Mom would never loved you for how you treated me. Go to hell, "father"."

I took my bag that I packed earlier (it was so heavy for all the things that I put there my god), my car keys and the knife in small plastic bag.
I made sure to not leave any evidence that i was there, then walked to my car, looked one last time at my house, can't believe I'm actually doing this, running away.

"Mom, I love you but I'm not coming back."
I said while looking up at the sunset with tears in my eyes.
and drove away.

The Girl From Hell ~ Eddie Munson 🖤🥀Where stories live. Discover now