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It was afternoon and Arnav & Akash had lunch with their client in 30 min. Payal called Akash to talk about Khushi, and just listening to Khushi's name, Akash outbursts on Payal to also think of his family, and that he's busy now with a very important client so he will talk to her at night, when he's at home.

Payal shuddered thinking of Akash's outburst and went to RM, packed her bags, informed Nani of her Babuji's condition and the health camp they have to attend for 3 months which the doctor suggested and that she has to go because only she can converse in English in her whole family and that she already talked to Akash about it and showed her call history. She took blessings of Nani and left the house, back to her Buaji's home. Payal helped to pack her Buaji in packing for the 3 month stay in the health camp. She booked train tickets to Kerala and confirmed their accommodation in Kerala during the stay. They are to take the midnight train the next day, so she sorted out the things needed for the travel and for the stay. She went out to buy some motion sickness medicine, her Babuji's medicines, groceries, some fruits and a new SIM card

Meanwhile it was evening and the train stopped a little far from the Nagpur railway station as some part of track needs replacement or it may cause a major accident. The Engine driver spotted it on time and avoided the accident . It was almost evening and Khushi asked Samuel, her fellow passenger to borrow his mobile for a call. She then called her Buaji's landline and talked to Payal. Payal told Khushi about the health camp in Kerala and that she booked train tickets for tomorrow. She also told Khushi that she's going along to the health camp.  She gave Khushi her new mobile number. Khushi then talked with her Babuji and Buaji. She thanked Samuel for the gesture and they talked for a while and found out that both are interested in the same field and Samuel had collected more information which he shared with Khushi.

Meanwhile Arnav kept trying to call Khushi but the calls never went through. He called RM landline to ask HP about Khushi but Anjali took the call and Arnav ended up inquiring about her health and if she ate food. When Anjali asked why he called landline, Arnav said he had some work and wanted to talk to HP. Arnav called Payal to enquire about Khushi and Payal replied to him that she's at Buaji's home and anyways she was not allowed to meet Khushi at RM so she doesn't know. Arnav cursed himself and headed to RM to talk to Khushi and if needed to beg Khushi to forgive him. He even thought to threaten Khushi if she doesn't surrender to his cajoling and later win her heart. He called Payal to ask when she will be returning from Buaji's home, Payal replied that they are going to health camp tomorrow for 3 months and she's going along. Arnav got tensed thinking what if Khushi's planning to go as well and he decided that he will not let Khushi leave as in 2 & 1/2 months their marriage contract comes to an end. He started to drive fast to reach RM. Meanwhile while Payal put in the new SIM card and hurried her family to leave as they might miss the train. She booked a train from Delhi to Mumbai tonight and a train from Mumbai to Kerala tomorrow so that her Babuji has adequate rest in between the train journeys. Soon the whole family were at the Delhi railway station, dropped by Happiji and soon boarded the train for Mumbai.

On the other hand Akash was brooding how his brother Arnav and his wife Payal are giving importance to Khushi rather than his Di.

Arnav and Akash reached home around the same time. Akash was expecting Payal to be taking care of his Di and his family. He saw that Payal wasn't in the living room with everyone. He asked HP for a coffee and sat down on the couch in the living room. Manorama sarcastic said that Payal should be the one giving him coffee, not HP when he comes home from work but maharani still didn't come home from Buaji's home. Nani scolded Manorama and told everyone that she was informed by Payal who came home from hospital, packed her bags and left as they have to attend a health camp in Kerala for her Babuji's sake and she's the only one who can converse freely in English so that language won't be a barrier. Nani also said that Akash was informed and that she saw the call log accidentally when Payal came to meet her. She scolded Akash for not answering many of Payal's calls and that these days he has been neglecting his wife. Akash asked for forgiveness from his Dadi and went to his room.

On the other hand Arnav dashed to his room as now a days Khushi just stays in the room to avoid his Di. He didn't know that she has also been skipping meals. He entered the room to find it dark, he switched on the lights to know that his fear became reality   ............
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Khushi was nowhere to be found
There are no signs that Khushi had been living with him in this room for the past few months. Her luggage is gone. Her documents are gone. All her things are gone except for the jewellery given by the Raizada's. Even her mangalsutra was left behind in the room on his pillow with a note that she is fed up and she is leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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