Building Questions

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We are safe in the motel room. Tyler, Taylor, and Logan are all resting while I stay on guard. We have no idea how or why we are in this seemingly empty world, but we haven't the time to think.  Not only are we trapped in this foreign world, but Aiden and Ashlyn are both missing. We have no idea where they are, but we can't leave due to circumstances.  I can only hope.......


After about an hour and a half I woke up myself. "Huh? Aiden? What-" suddenly everything came rushing back to me- the motel, phantoms, separation from the group. 

"Good morning sunshine." teased Aiden.  I rolled my eyes, "why didn't you wake me sooner?" He spoke, " I tried, and you almost slapped me. Plus, you started drooling and went into deep sleep mode."

"I- almost slapped you? I failed? damn" that last part was more of a whisper. "Cold much? I sacrificed my sleep for you." 

I sighed, " Get sleep now we have to search for everyone el-"

         BANG                                                                                        BANG

" What the hell?" I questioned, "What was that?"  

"It's the Phantoms. After you fell asleep they went quiet but I guess they heard us spoke. Stay quiet we need to figure out how to leave. Screw sleep lets survive." said Aiden.

"Wow the psycho wants to act responsible and act responsible and care about his life." I teased.


"...Okay maybe we should laugh later. You're right though we need a plan. Once the phantoms come we won't we able to fight it. We don't know its weaknesses and before you even ask don't try to capture one. Try to see if we can escape through the back window of the motel. If we can't then we'll have to run through the front and try to find the others." I said

"Normally, that would be a great plan but I think we should fight them head on. Even if we find the others- who are most likley in a room there will be phantoms following us. Plus, if the phantoms are camping out in front of their door I doubt we can just barge in without putting them in danger. Heck, I doubt we'll even make it to the door. So lets spray n slash and see how far we go." Aiden tried

 My face started twitching as I tried to understand Aidens logic, "Wait. So you want us to blind and cut tens of murderous figures and you think it's going to end well? Have you even checked if we have enough liquid spray and do you even have weapons?" I argued.

"oh" sighed Aiden

Ughh I feel bad, but this is about survival not having the thrill of your life. 


"The window! Can we leave from there?" I panicked as the banging grew louder. Aiden ran to check the window, " I can open it but if you're planning on jumping off, I'd advise against that." 

"Thats fine- it's what I was hoping actually."  I grabbed Aiden's hand and dashed towards the window. "Look do you see any phantoms?" I asked while looking behind us for any black figures.

"Yeah hundreds. Now can we fight them?" I froze. Great now what? The banging was getting louder, and the only way out is a death trap. Then an idea sprung in my head. 

"No Aiden. Get under the bed, we'll wait for them to come in here." He crawled under the bed and I joined him. The bed was about a queen but my shoe was hanging out. I overlapped my leg on Aiden and our heads were connected. "Shhh don't make a sound. When they come in we'll throw the empty spray bottles down the window."  If we were going to have a chance to survive we needed to do this.


 Well this isn't what i expected but it's interesting. I'm currently crushed with Ashlyn under a bed hiding from creepy black figures with pearly white deathly smiles. How fun. But the banging seemed to stop. We weren't even sure they were still trying to get in but yet here we are basically hugging under a bed. 

Ashlyn  looked at me- seemingly struggling because our heads were under a tight space and our heads were already touching. 

"Its time. Their here. I'm going to throw the bottles and when they climb on the window im going to push it off." she said.

It was funny because she tried her hardest to back away from me when she realized how connected we were but realized we also couldn't just leave. She quietly removed her leg from above mine and grabbed the bottles. She accidently dropped one and the banging begun again. She stopped moving seemingly scared but then started shaking the bottles and hitting it together before throwing it down. do you, I guess.  The door had slammed open and Ashlyn quickly reconnected her leg on top of mine. 


The phantoms finally broke in but I had to rejoin the tight space. I'm glad it was him and not anyone else or I'd be dead. Ben was too tall to completely hide under the bed, Tyler is too loud and complains about everything, Logan would keep shaking and Taylor- well I guess she also wouldn't be that bad. 

The phantoms (2) barged in and looked around. They eventually went to the window and I was signaling Aiden to get up and push them but they jumped off themselves. Uh okay. 

I whispered in Aidens ear to get up and start making a run for it and he got up with me. We started running and made it to the hallway but my vision was fading. But- we need to...


I woke up and found myself back in the motel room sleeping with Taylor by my side. She was gasping and looked at me. "D-did I wake you?" she asked

I was confused. I was just with Aiden...Wait where is he? Is he okay? But..was that a dream? I turned to Taylor, " No. I just woke up because of..."  She widened her eyes, " A dream?" 

I nodded. If It was a dream and I claimed it was real people would say I'm crazy. But then she spoke up again, " Was it...about black phantoms with murderous smiles?"

My eyes widened, " It..wasn't a dream?" Taylor started shaking her head violently, " Oh my god oh my god oh my god." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Let's ask the boys when we see them. If we are here that means that we came back to our world. For now stay calm until we can start asking questions." She nodded in agreement and hugged me.

  Now we wait until we can ask each other everything in our mind. It's better to stay calm and panic later. But.. I hope Aiden is okay. I don't know if he came back to this world with us.


OMG IM SO SRRRRYYYYYYY I completely forgot to post bc in my mind i'm safe for now cuz i already have chapyers done but never posted it. SRRY but don't fret I'm going to make it up to you. I'll post every two days for the next three chapters each containing 1200 words. Also Word count before this extra: 1150

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