I am intimidating her by releasing my Aura but focus only on her so most doesn't notice

" Y-Yess, L-Lord Itsuki take a quest 3 days ago, Lord Ren takes quest 5 days ago and Lord Motoyasu takes a quest 4 days ago"

"Thank you"

When we are going outside a Demi-human came towards us, he is a like cat and wear clothes like wizard, his clothes are not good but still not bad, he have leather Armor under robes,

"Ah, Shield Hero My name is Ichiro,  can I join your party"

He directly ask me, I know Demi-human and Beastmen worship Shield, But I don't want new partner

" Can you give me one of your Nails"

" Huh, Yes sure"

He also with everyone confuse while Raphtalia smiling because she know what can happen, he do what I ask without hesitation pull his one nail out and give it to me

" Ah, h-here Shield Hero"

I take the Nail and it absorb by Shield

Do you want to add Ichiro into your Subordinate Shield list?

Yes   or      No

Subordinate Shield

Name :   1. Raphtalia

2. Jaldabaoth

Max limit : 5

Effects : Energy Boost : Shield Hero's subordinates get 10% increase in H.P. and M.P.

Power Sharing ( can share energy like Mana, Ki and stamina between Hero and Subordinates)

Friendly Fire (Deactivate)

Effect Share : The Basic Defense and resistance Effects of any Shield can be share with Subordinates in 100 meter radius.

One rule ( The rules apply for Hero can be applied on Subordinates like Yggdrasil Stat system, Basic Yggdrasil rules, Yggdrasil classes and skills)

I turn my Shield into "Rejuvenation Shield"

It's like a silver Gauntlet with angle wings design with a hole in Palm side and golden Orb in opposite side, I use it to heal him as expected his health bar goes above Max limit, his wound heal and nail grow again

" Woah, I feel more energetic than ever"

" Yes, I use overcharge on you, it just heal you and increase your vital energy above body limits" ( I lie partially)

" Woah, Amazing, can I now join your party"

I put my hand on his head and add him into my Subordinate List

" I can't take you in my party,.... but I can give you my blessings"

His ears goes down when he listen to me but then his Eyes become wide and then shine like star,

I add him into subordinate list and Increasing his stats

Name : Ichiro

Class : Wizard

Level 20

Stats : (Increase Yggdrasil stats) + Energy boost

H.P. : 10 (15) + 1.5

M.P. : 15 ( 22) + 2.2

Phy. Atk. 02 ( 05)

Mag. Atk. : 12 (20)

The Dark Shield OverlordМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя