after school hours job hunting/ USJ

Start from the beginning

Mom: oh my you look hungry, it must have been a long day yeah? come on in sit down, Izuku dear would you mind fixing up the table?

Izuku: sure thing

she then pulled her inside 

Y/n P.O.V

after being pulled inside Midoriya's residence Inko san made me sit down infront of the dining table. while I sat I thought back how Inko's hand didn't burn while she held my cheek
I then placed the napping kitten on my lap while I stroked the back of it's head

Izuku: what's that you got there Y/n

Y/n: oh this It's a small kitten I picked up awhile ago she was inside a trash can when I found it

Izuku: poor thing..

Inko then came into the room with the food in hand it was Fish and some salad 

inko: Izuku could you get the rice?

Izuku nodded and went to the kitchen.
while Izuku was in the kitchen Inko then put the food in the dining table

Inko: oh my how cute it's a little dirty tho... oh I'm sure it'll be fine

I nodded when it woke up, it stretched on my lap while it looked at it's surrounding then looked at me and started rubbing it's head to me

Inko: it must be thankful you found it do you ... have a name for it?

I looked up to think for abit

a name.... hmmm Kasai? tomori? hmmm arc? kuro? yeah kuro it is
I then looked at the cat while it tilted it's head at me
I held it up in the air and said.

Y/n: kuro you're kuro now

the cat then pointed it's paw at me as if he approved it

Inko: it's a good name 

Izuku then entered the dining room and placed the rice and we started to eat 
while Inko gave it a small part of fish while the cat nodded and started eating

we finished eating and I put the plates away while Inko said it was fine 

Inko: remember L/n san You are always welcome here, bye bye

Izuku: bye bye L/n san

they then closed the door
I then went inside mine

I then took the cat for a short wash while she did resist a little.
but after the wash she looked so clean and her fur was beautiful.

kuro: angry cat noises* turns her head to look away from me*

Y/n: what do you mean at least you look more cleaner and beautiful

kuro then looked at me again

kuro: asking cat noises

Y/n: yup

As I was putting on my foil helmet when Kuro then walked to me and I picked her up as I lay down on my bed and slowly fell asleep 

I woke up to Kuro on my chest 

I then prepared myself and went outside to see some food on a container with a note

good in bad and bad in good my hero academia x (villain Spy) Male Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now