The chasm fields

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Xiao led us towards the chasm.

"Woah this place is huge!" Goes Paimon.

"Xiao, I want to ask why is there a crater there in the middle over there?" I asked as I point at the huge opening, crater-like cave far away.

"That was just what was left when my lord dragged and tamed Azhdaha across Liyue." Replied Xiao, following my gaze.

"Dragging a big toad dragon across?!" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yes. It caused quite some destruction." Replied Xiao with arms crossed.

"Paimon glad you don't need to be dragged around." I laughed.

"Paimon won't be able to create a crater that big!" Paimon giggled.

"Should we go ask the miners if we can head into the chasm?" I asked Xiao.

Xiao had walked ahead of me before my question was answered.

"Something's not right here..." Xiao began.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"You're quite right young-Adeptus here!" Gasped the young miner.

"And the traveler is here too..." noted the a girl from the Adventurer's Guild.

"Hello." I replied.

"Tell us what is going on here." Ordered Xiao.

"The entrance of the chasm mines are blocked..." Began a Chasm researcher.

"How so?" I asked.

"Too many monsters and something seems to be keeping this place sealed." Explained the Chasm researcher.

"We can help." Xiao and I nod.

"Great, let me explain what you can do..." Began the Chasm researcher.

We followed him towards the a small geo construct that had a floating geo crystal inside.

"What is this?" I asked.

"We tried breaking it with our tools, but nothing seems to work." Sighed the Chasm researcher.

"Perhaps Y/N and Xiao can help, since Xiao has a vision and Y/N has powers too." Suggested Paimon, who was floating behind us.

"That's great, please start your work, also let me draw you three a map to find these geo crystals and geo seals." Explained the Chasm researcher.

Xiao and I nodded.

We first began our work by breaking the stones covering the floating geo crystal. We watched as it then it broke the old seal and created a golden seal that opened a small part of the crater/cave.

A geo crystal floated down.

"We have quite a few more of this apparently." I replied as I studied the map with Paimon.

"I know where they are, Zhongli sealed this place for safety reasons." Replied Xiao as he walked ahead of us.

Paimon and I then followed him to the next geo crystals and constructs around the chasm.

After helping Xiao lower the chasm crystal pillars, we were able to head inside the chasm.

Xiao picked me up and we floated towards the chasm mine grounds.

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