Chapter 4: "Dreamy Eyes" ♛

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I hope you die.

"I'll eat breakfast at... 8:30" I said while looking at the clock.

"Do you mind if I join?" he asked.

Yes, I do mind.

"No, it's alright"- sarcasm.

"Great, see you there then"- he said. - "Wait, where's the cafeteria? I don't really know how to get there."

"Meet me here and I'll lead you there" - I said while grabbing my uniform.

I opened the shower faucets and once it was at the right temperature I got in. I was so sleepy and the water was so hot that I almost fell asleep but I couldn't, I was feeling weird. I didn't know what to do; I felt some type of comfort, one I have never experienced before. Once I finished I dressed up; a white polo shirt and a black skirt; I also added some pearl earrings and my diamond necklace that my dad gave me when I was a kid, I never take that necklace off. Since today was my first day I decided to make a good impression, so I brushed my hair and straightened it. It has been a while since I didn't straighten my hair so I looked like a wet chihuahua, too late to change it.
I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Callisto's face. His raven hair soaking wet, his green eyes looking like emeralds, and his smile still looking like a Karen; he makes me annoyed.

"Ready?" he asked.

I didn't respond, I looked straight up to his eyes and I didn't blinked, not for a second. He seemed to get what I was doing so he straightened himself up. I was winning. I could feel it. I wasn't hesitating, I was determined to win. He smelled... different, like a brand new Lamborghini.

"Hey, Callisto, are you coming?" said a voice.

I knew that voice, it was Elio's voice. I got distracted, I looked at Elio. He looked like a dream, like a real member of the royalty. I forgot, I was lost in those dreamy eyes of his. Then I realized... Callisto won, I lost. Damn it. I blinked a couple of times and I swear I heard Callisto giggle a bit.

"Let's go, I invited Elio, I hope it doesn't bother you, does it?" he said

"Not at all"- I said with no signs of sarcasm.

I got out of the dorm, telling them to follow me.

I hated love. I don't even know if I'm in love, I just said that Elio was... mmhh well cute. It worries me to think that he has the power to break my heart. I'll deny any of my feelings towards him, at least until I decide, I can't let him break my heart, I won't let him do it. On the other hand I have a clear chance I'm the only girl that he has talked to, well that's not true, but at least he knows my name and we're about to eat breakfast together, an advantage isn't it?

On our way to the cafeteria I told them a little bit about the school history; how it was founded, by whom, in which year. I thought it was adequate to teach them that since one year ago they let me memorize the entire school history as a homework, I wasn't going to waste the opportunity. I could hear them whispering something, arguing, I didn't mind asking.

We're here, is everything alright there?- I asked.

I looked first at Elio, his beautiful eyes gleaming with the white lights of the cafeteria, he didn't say a word. I looked at Callisto, his eyes opened as big as the light of a flashlight, he didn't looked dreamy unlike his brother, he looked nervous, and creepy, weird.


I got out of the showers and I got ready, polo shirt, trousers, tie, and some lotion. Once I got out of the bathroom I saw Elio adjusting his tie. I had invited him to go eat breakfast with Elara and I, just to see her reaction, I mean I know she kinda fancies my brother so I could use that as an advantage.

"Where are you going?" asked Elio.

"Meaning?" I said back.

"The trousers are fine, but the tie and the lotion? That's not a daily thing for you, is it?" he replied with sarcasm.

I know where he's going.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said with an inevitable grin on my face.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about-"

"Just shut up-"

"Alright alright, let's go, or she'll kill you" he said at last.

Once we were outside my dorm I told Elio to wait there until we got out. I stepped in the dorm and I couldn't help smelling this scent, was it a grandma? Oh Chanel N°5 I don't know but it was enjoyable. I heard some music playing inside the bathroom, who would've thought, Elara was a Billy Joel fan. Elara was still in there. I was just about to knock on the door but right before I could, the door opened. The first thing I saw was Elara's face, her big doe eyes looked dreamy, her pale skin with red all over her nose and cheeks like a shrimp, her brown hair that sometimes looked ginger straightened in a way that looked like a waterfall, I was examining her face, her lips, her eyes, her eyebrows, her nose, everything... i don't know what I was feeling, part of me hated it but part of me wanted a challenge. Suddenly I noticed she was looking straight into my eyes, implying a kind of competition, I understood and couldn't deny. I wanted to intimidate her, so I straightened myself up; eventually my eyes started watering. I was losing and the grin on her face told me that she knew it.

"Hey, Callisto, are you coming?" I heard my brother say.

Way to go, idiot.

Elara got distracted, she didn't notice she just lost, she didn't care. Fuck, I hated that. And I hated the fact that I hated that. She started blinking like an idiot. I couldn't help but to giggle a bit. That brought her attention back to me, she finally realized.

"Let's go, I invited Elio, it doesn't bother you, does it?" I said.

"Not at all" she responded.

Why not? You were supposed to say that it did, it did bother you.

"Right, follow me" she said.

I followed her out of the dorm, I grabbed some peppermint spray just in case and I placed it inside my pocket. While I was closing the door behind me I felt an elbow punching my ribs, sometimes I really hated Elio. Elara started walking in front of us, we were following her, she was saying something about the school's history, or was it about America's history? I wasn't paying attention, clearly. I was thinking about those staring competitions and how I really enjoyed them. I turned around to clear my thoughts just to find Elio staring at me like an idiot.

"What 's up with you this morning?" I finally asked.

"What 's up with me? What's up with you? Are we just going to ignore the fact that you were snogging her with your stare?" he said whispering.

"I don't think that's possible" I replied.

"Yeah no shit. Come on, you know what I'm talking about-"

"No I don't. She fancies another person"

"Oh really? Who?- "

You. She fancies you.

"Never mind, you know, you should mind your own business-"

"We're here-" Elara said "-everything alright there?"

"Totally. Everything is perfect" I replied, nervously that she might have heard what we just said.

We followed her, trying to pretend like everything was normal, like no one was staring at us as if we were animals in a cage. My eyes shifted from table to table, panicking. I crossed stares with my brother, wondering if he feels the same way; I bet he does, he just knows how to pretend.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 14 ⏰

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