who does meow and dark ship

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dark: meowing im so glad you could do this

viper: are you just going to rub the fact that you have a boyfriend in my face because I got bonnie!

meow: I don't think she is trying to but anyway dark get on with it

dark: well gold asked me what fnaf characters do I ship?

viper: me and bonnie

meow: um.... my favorite by far is gold and bonnie but all so foxy x bonnie {this is his real answer from face time when I asked him}

dark: well I ship freddy and foxy I mean they both start with f and bonnie x freddy (>.<)

viper: ok....... *backs up with meow following and darts in to the kithen to get food* IM HUNGRY

Meow: I AM TO PLUS IM GETTING UR WAFFLES *comes back with waffles*

dark: *kisses his nose and tickles him*


ask viper and hyperOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz