Hajime really wanted to marry Nagito and he wanted this proposal to be perfect. He crossed his fingers, a superstitious habit, and muttered prayers under his breath.

Nagito was just about to dig into the cake when he noticed Hajime's state of anxiety.

"Hajime?" he asked, putting down his fork. "What's wrong?"

"Huh?!" Hajime snapped out of his thinking trance. "Oh, nothing! Let's just eat the cake!"

Hajime grabbed his fork and quickly shoved a piece of cake into his mouth. It was delicious. The chocolate wasn't too sweet that it made him sick and the cream was perfectly frothy. Hajime took a breath and did his best to act natural, refraining from glancing at Nagito's slice of cake too often so that it wouldn't seem suspicious.

Act normal. Act normal. ACT NORMAL.



Hajime's nervousness only grew as the seconds passed by, but he continued to eat his cake. 

How much longer until Nagito noticed the ring? What would his response be? Would he say yes? Should Hajime have waited a little longer before proposing? All these questions kept swirling around in Hajime's mind, giving him a migraine. On the outside, Hajime was calmly eating his cake, but on the inside, he was a nervous wreck.

Then Nagito coughed. Hajime blinked in confusion and raised his head. Nagito's eyes were wide. He covered his mouth again and coughed. He started coughing more and Hajime quickly stopped eating and got up.


Nagito was hacking and choking now. His pale hands went up to his throat and he fell out of his chair. Hajime immediately understood what was happening.


Hajime rushed to Nagito's side and did his best to stop the choking, but Nagito just wouldn't stop coughing. His face and lips were turning an unhealthy shade of blue and Hajime felt like crying. There was no way that he was going to let his beloved boyfriend die from his stupid ring.

Izuru! Help!

Izuru snapped out and effectively stopped Nagito from choking. Nagito coughed one final time and something small, gold and shiny flew out, skidding onto the floor. Hajime hugged Nagito tightly, cupped his cheek and made them face each other.

"Nagito!" he breathed out. "Are you ok?!" 

Nagito wasn't listening. His eyes went to the gold ring sitting next to him on the floor, shining under the candlelight. He stared into Hajime's worried, olive eyes for a while before covering his mouth and bursting into tears.

"Nagito..." Hajime whispered, holding him close. "I am... so sorry... Please forgive me..."

"No..." Nagito sobbed. "Don't blame yourself... T-This... was a-all my fault... You prepared all this for me... and my stupid luck... I ruined everything..."

"You didn't ruin anything, Nagito," Hajime said, kissing him gently on the lips. "I shouldn't have tried to be sly."

"I... I don't deserve you Hajime." Nagito sniffled. He used his shirt to harshly rub away his tears, but Hajime stopped him. He smiled at him.

"Nonsense," he said. He helped Nagito up to his feet and took the ring in his hands while doing so. "You deserve the world Nagito, and I want to give it to you."

Hajime cleaned the ring with some water and his napkin. He was nervous, but took a deep breath and knelt down in front of Nagito, who had his jaw slightly agape.

"Nagito Komaeda," Hajime said clearly. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world?... Will you marry me?"

Nagito started crying again and tackled Hajime onto the ground, beaming like there was no tomorrow. Hajime had never seen him so happy before.

"Yes, yes! Yes! I'll marry you!" Nagito exclaimed. Hajime smiled and the two kissed passionately. Hajime slipped the ring onto Nagito's finger and watched lovingly as Nagito admired the ring. Then, the peeping toms rushed out from the kitchen door, cheering for the newly engaged couple.

"About fucking time!"


"Just don't go crazy during your wedding ok?"

"Hey, Nagito, can I eat the rest of your cake?"

The two smiled at each other, pressing their foreheads together. But just as they were about to kiss again, Nagito opened his mouth.

"I'm pregnant."


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