Chapter Three - The Fight

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Jonathan rushed forward and grabbed my shirt collar, yanking me towards him. 

"How do you know that name?!" He hissed out and I flinched backwards, getting slight flashbacks. "I-I told you! That's what his name was!" Jonathan growled and let me go. "Fine. He probably read it in the news or something." 

"I said I didn't! He looked like Vance, and even acted like him!" 

They stopped and looked at me. "Who's Vance?" I froze. I hadn't thought that far. I didn't want to explain. I couldn't. How could I explain? I didn't want to talk about him. I started to tremble. "No. I'm not... I won't...." 

Joyce stopped. "Jonathan, stop. Don't yell at him. He was just-" She started speaking before slapping her hand over her mouth. "What are you talking about...?" I froze and turned to her, eyes slightly tearing up. 

"Your dad told me why you're staying here, Finn. Which is why I've been trying to be quiet and not get too close to you." I cursed under my breath, stepping away from Jonathan, hugging myself tightly. 

"Mom, what do you mean? I thought he was just taking a break from bullying..." Will spoke. Joyce sent me an apologetic look. "That's not only reason why." I said quietly. "But I'm not talking about the rest of it." I looked down. 

"I won't... I can't. Joyce can, but I won't. If she wants to explain, she can." 

I hugged myself even tighter as Joyce sighed. "Alright.. Did you guys hear about 'The Galesburg Grabber'?" She started to speak and I flinched hearing his name. "No... who's that?" Will asked, shooting me a quick, confused look. 

"Where Finney moved from, there was a serial kidnapper. He kidnapped and killed five boys, some were raped before death however." I shivered, feeling as I began to tremble, my hands shaking tremendously and. 

"Finney was The Galesburg Grabber's sixth and final victim. And the only survivor." 

I broke at that, letting out a quiet sob. "Hey, hey, Finney, it's okay, hun, we're here, you're here, okay?" Joyce tried to hug me, but my vision began to blur. It wasn't my loving aunt. It was him. And he was trying to hurt me. 

My vision returned and I just broke down, crying as I sobbed into Joyce's arms. 

The silence was deafening. The only thing that cut through the thick tension were my own cries and whimpers. I hated this. The one part of a family who actually cares. They'll get rid of me soon. 

And it was just a day. Gods, I'm so stupid. Why did I let Joyce tell them? Now everything is ruined. I'll have to go to dad, and he'll beat me so hard when he finds out why they sent me home. 

Because I'm useless. 

The only thing I was good for was killing someone. Not an innocent man, but the only time I actually succeeded with something was murder. I could vaguely feel Joyce rubbing a comforting hand along my back, and slightly into my hair. 

My body was limp as my sobs grew quieter and I felt the darkness of sleep seep into my body. The exhaustion hitting me like a huge rock falling from the sky. 

My fingers and toes starting to lose feeling, the tingling growing less noticeable as I felt the lull of sleep pull me further and further away from the world I lived in. And finally, I gave in, my brain shutting down as my eyes fluttered closed, the last stray tear falling like a dew drop off of my lashes. 


Joyce's PoV

I felt the boy go completely limp in my arms. He was asleep. I looked up at everyone else, their eyes still trained on my nephew. They were just as shocked as I was when I initially heard everything. Even the research I did on The Grabber just made that shock settle hard. 

Jonathan looked mortified. 

I would be too, if I had yelled at a thirteen year old who went through almost two years of abuse and torture from an abuser. And then put back into the hands of another. He thinks I don't know, I know Finney is unaware of my knowing. 

And Terrence had no idea about the evidence I was gathering about the abuse of his son and daughter. My niece and nephew. While he may be my older brother, he makes me sick. I've seen what he did to girls when he was in high school. 

He thinks I forgot about the bruises and cuts. 

Little does he know, that went into a file. A special file that no one other than me has read or even seen. One day, when I have enough evidence though, I won't be the only one looking at the horrid things he's done. 

And I will get Finn and Gwen Blake out of that house, and away from the man that calls himself their 'father'. 

826 words 

A/N Sorry that this one is short. I started writing it, and then kind of forgot where I was going with it. Hope you enjoy anyway, and thank you all so, so much!! I have LOVED reading all of your comments!!!

Your comments bring me so much happiness, you have no idea lol. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart!!

Specifically, give a big ol' thanks to Bylere for being the person who's comments I see the most. You are mostly the reason this chapter was finished today... I had kind of forgotten about it, and forgot I had to finish it, lol. 


And enjoy <3

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