Chapter IV

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I woke up to see my parents outside talking to Jimmy, my siblings coming out all at the same time. I decide to join them.

"If you're not busy, since the kids are getting along so well, Sarina and I were wondering if you and the gang wanted to come over for brunch."


"Sure! What time?" Sarah asks excitedly.

"Mimosa's at noon, on the button," he said as everyone gets excited. He gets back on his jet ski and he goes back to his house.

"Isn't he the coolest dad ever?" Sarah asked when we came down.

"Yeah. Cool."

Sarah and I head inside so that I can start making breakfast.


Sure enough, at noon, there we were standing in front of the Murtaugh's lake house.

"Look at this place!" Mark whispers.

"Okay. Everyone. Stick together. Older ones keep an eye on the younger ones, got it?" mom asks. Bud, Nora, Charlie, Lorraine, and I nod in agreement.

Sarina comes out wearing a huge smile on her face.

"Welcome to the Boulder's!" she greets as we all greet each other. Right as Charlie is about to go up to Anne, Gunner runs towards Sarina and puts his paws on her knocking her over.

"Gunner!" I shout.

"You have to say sit," mom says but Sarina didn't look like she minded.

"Gunner! No! Down now!" dad orders.

"Tom!" Jimmy shouted annoyed. Once nothing was done, he just got even madder. "Baker!"

Mom and dad eventually grab Gunner, mom apologising to Sarina who shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"Are you sure?" mom asks.

"Oh yes. You're fine."

Jimmy, on the other hand, was furious.

"Someone tie Fido up!" he shouted.

"Honey. He's harmless. He just wants to meet new people," Sarina defends.

"Mark! His leash is in the car. Go grab it, okay?" dad asks going with him.

"Let's just.......go inside," Sarina said.

I wave at Danial who walks beside me.

"You know, I'm really happy you guys came," he said.

"Dad isn't too happy about this whole thing but he's fine," I said.

"My dad's pretending like everything's fine but you can tell that he's still bitter from last night."

I toss my hair out of my face and into a ponytail before I nod in agreement.

"Last night was insane," I said. "You guys were like ridiculously amazing!"

We head inside right as Elliot asks Sarah to come to the Seadoo which she happily accepts.

"So I was actually wondering if you wanted to take a quick walk around the house before brunch," he says. I nod as he smiles taking me to the kitchen first.


After our tour, we hang out on the balcony with the adults talking as Charlie and Anne come out back with us.

"So does daddy know about your tattoo?" Charlie asks. I shake my head at him but it's too late. Anne has already pushed Charlie right toward mom causing orange juice to fall all over her. "Oh my god, mom! I'm so sorry!"

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