Chapter 11:

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Authors Note: What Cole did for Daisy up top


A 5 Months Later Daisy's POV (6pm at night): 

The last months has been a blur. I have been having the time of life. Happy, and satisfied with my life. Cole has treated me with nothing but love, respect, and loyalty. 

I am so lucky to have a mate like him. 

Harmony running in squealing "omg, omg, omg!" 

Wrapping her arms around me jumping "okay how much sugar have you had? 

Harmony giggles "I know something you don't know" 

Oh god not another surprise. Last time I got a surprise, I got a pie in my face. 

Harmony grabs my hand "come on follow me!" 

I get yanked by my hand. Following Harmony to the backyard. Seeing Cole, with bouquet of flowers, and candles. Lighting my way, I smile holding her hand.

 Seeing Holden, Trent, Kendall, Violet, Erin, Jinx, Zoe, Dylan, Mimi, and Kurt standing there. Smiling at me. 

Harmony smiles really wide "I brought her like you asked. Omg! So exciting!" Cole taking my hand smiling really wide at me. 

I blush "babe what is this about?" 

Harmony walks over to Holden. Cole gets on one knee. I gasp, starting to cry. 

Cole looks up smiling "Daisy Lynn Zengerle, I love you more than anything. I am so happy with you, and I want my future to be with you. Will you marry me?" 

Crying I nod "yes! I will!" Cole smiles putting the ring on my finger. Picking me up twirling me around. I giggle, he kisses me deeply. 

Everyone clapping. My mom, and dad walk out. With Coles parent's. 

His mom says "so what was her answer?" 

I smile looking up at him "I said yes!" 

My parent's and his smiling. Our moms squealing. 

My journey was full of curves, and dumps. But I managed, to find where I belong. With a family that loves me, friends that adore me, and now a Fiancé/ mate that is utterly in love with me. 

If I learned anything about life. Its always find your own course. Cause one day, you will find the right one. 

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