Depart (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: Continuation of Pick/Rome story, because I low-key want to Pick to suffer before he gets Rome back. 😗

The time of Rome's departure was near. He just needed to sleep one more night, and he will leave. Why did he even think avoiding Pick would be hard? The senior didn't even send him a message, nor did he try to find him at campus and apologise. Rome felt like the whole world had collapsed for him, assuring him about the decision. Curled under the warm duvet, with a tear-stained face, he closed his eyes, letting the sleep overtake him. 

The morning came fast. Rome climbed off the bed, dragging himself to the bathroom. His morning routine seemed to take him more time than usual. His heart clenched when the doorbell ringed. He shuffled to the door, opening them to let his best friend inside. She will be the one taking him to the airport. In a few hours, Rome will be sitting on the plane, leaving all the pain behind. 

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