I: Research

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"ALRIGHTY, LET'S SEE WHAT WE GOT HERE." Jack announced his presence to both the Jackals and the mummy inside the sarcophagus. "I've got an obscene amount of books on ancient Egypt, I'll see if you're in any of them."

He dropped the books by the sarcophagus, sitting on the ledge leading up to it before grabbing one.

"So, how old are you? I feel like age is a good point of reference." Jack asked, picking up a random book from the pile and looking through the table of contents.

Ten taps, a pause, and another nine.

"You were nineteen when you...y'know, became a mummy? That sucks, man." Jack winced. "I'm not sure how old I was, but by the looks of things probably not that far off."

There was a singular thud; a question?

"I don't know why I can't remember, it's super weird. Every time I try to think back that far it just makes my head hurt." Jack frowned, rifling through the book in search for any young Pharoahs.

"Ah well, what can you do right?" Jack shrugged it off before he could become too sad about it, tossing the book to the side. "This one's a dud. It's all about old dudes."

Jack picked up another book, and he was already sick of this. "Buckle up, my Pharoah friend, we're gonna be here a while." He snorted at the irony. "I mean, won't be much of a difference for you, will it?"

A loud bang from inside the sarcophagus, making the whole thing rattle.

"Alright, alright, too much?"


"Ugh, this is killing me." Jack groaned. He was laying on his back, legs pointed upwards and flat against the glass, book resting on his face.

A muffled...laugh? Was he laughing at him?

"Hey, you shut it. Not my fault you guys had too many Pharaohs." Jack grumbled, lifting the book off his face and tossing it to the side, lazily reaching for another one.

"Huh, haven't heard of this guy before." Jack hummed, spotting a particular name in the table of contents. "Know of a guy named Kamunrah?"

Dead silence from the mummy.

"Hey, you with me?" Jack asked, lightly patting the top with his hand, receiving a gentle tap in response. "I'll take your response as a no, I don't know this guy or I do but I don't wanna talk about it."

Jack flipped the page until he was face-to-face with an image of the very tablet resting on the wall a few feet away. Beneath it was the caption 'the tablet of Ahkmenrah."

"Oh, shit!" Jack leapt to his feet. "Is your name Ahkmenrah?"

Several bangs from inside the sarcophagus, the whole thing rattling.

"That's your name?! We did it!" Jack laughed excitedly, still holding the book as he bounced around the room. "That's awesome! Dude, that's such a cool name!"

A gentle rattle this time.

"I am never reading another book for the rest of my life...afterlife...whatever." Jack half heartedly groaned, setting the book back down in the pile and slumping against the sarcophagus.

"Now we know each other's names, let's do a formal introduction." Jack knocked gently on the cover in the place of a handshake. "I'm Jack, no last name given. Nice to meet you, Ahkmenrah."

He received a gentle knock back, as if returning the handshake.

"When you get out we can greet each other for real," Jack said. "Except you probably shouldn't shake my hand, it's always cold. Found out the hard way."

Ahkmenrah was quiet, waiting for Jack to continue.

"I grabbed Teddy by the arm yesterday, was trying to get his attention 'cause he was off in dreamland staring at this lady, and he acted like I'd shot him!" Jack chuckled at the memory. "Went off on a whole tangent about how my hand felt like an ice cube."

A gentle shaking of the sarcophagus, more laughter?

"What made it worse is that the girl he was staring at heard him shriek, so she watched him jump into the air and start yelling at me." Jack couldn't hold back a snort. "I don't think he's forgiven me for that yet."

The sarcophagus rattled slightly, urgently, and the tablet seemed to begin glowing.

"Oh, it's sunrise already?" Jack shot to his feet. "Crap, gotta make it back."

He was halfway through bolting out of the exhibit before he turned back around and ran back, placing his hand on top of the cover.

"See you tonight, Ahkmenrah."

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