pillow talk

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Authors note : hello and welcome to my new book for Linstead call me crazy for thinking of more stuff to add to my plate but I think everyone has wanted something like this for a while, this book will chapters of each episode season one through four of all the little missing scenes or added a little extra scenes to each episode that we all were wanting, maybe also in something from season 5 to 9 in the future but right now my main focus is season one through four so I hope you like it,

General pov: this episode is based off of season four episode two this is where Erin finally answers Jay about his idea of moving in with him by asking Jay to move in with her because it would be easier to pay off her apartment faster, but also it's because she is deeply in love  with him, so later the next couple days they are at home getting settled when Jay says I love you back to Erin and they go enjoy a fun round of Scrabble

E= so you love me
J= yes of course I do Erin Lindsay I love you so much
E= well I love you too ( kiss)
J= so can I still get that big flat screen TV
E= maybe we'll talk about it
J= all right maybe I'll talk you into it
E= good luck with that so how do you like your new house
J= well it doesn't seem that different
E= maybe because you pretty much came over every single day after work
J= yeah maybe but can you blame me I like the company here better
E= yeah I don't blame you at all I like when you're here with me
J= so when did you know that you were deeply in love with me
E= (sits up) OK so over the last year I was slowly falling in love with you but once Justin died you were there for me like you always are so that made me feel more completely in love with you
J= oh really you have
E= yes I have so what about you Mr. when did you know you love me
J= this might sound crazy but I knew since the beginning of our partnership that I was in love with you
E= wait really
J= yes Erin pretty much once I look into your hazel eyes I fell in love with you
E= oh how sweet so do you think if Hank didn't try and separate us we would have been together much longer than we are now
J= that is for sure I might have kissed you the night of your high school Reunion
E= I really just kiss me that night anything else
J= yeah maybe I would've played some scrabble with you
E= oh that would be fun
J= that is for sure
E= well at least it isn't hot in here anymore the ac is finally working again
J= oh yeah that's good
E= ( notice him) is everything OK With you jay
J= yeah everything is fine
E= are you sure you're fine you seem a little off all the sudden and before you say anything else you should know by now I know you pretty well so please just tell me what's wrong
J= I guess you do know me so well
E= oh yes I do
J= all right so when we were getting ready to go start searching the streets for Sarah now stopped me and told me something
E= he did what did he have to tell you
J= well he dropped the bomb by saying he wants to go back
E= go back where Jay
J= he wants to go back  into the rangers
E= oh really why
J= he said our sergeant that we had overseas reached out to him  I guess he's putting together a tactical unit and needed to comm specials
E= oh really couldn't he just join the Chicago police
J= he could but he doesn't want to be a 31-year-old rookie  in the Academy
E= well I don't blame him there
J= he also said he has more leadership over there then if he join the Academy here
E= it makes sense
J= i'm just worried
E= why are you worried
J= well because last time he was overseas and came back he was a mess like real bad
E= so I'm guessing you help him out after he came back
J= yes I did once I got him cleaned up I had him become my CI and he was good
E= which makes you such a good fun by doing that
J= why thanks babe
E= you are so welcome
J= I just hope he changes his mind because I don't think he can handle another tour overseas
E= well is it more you can't handle him leaving or is it him
J= OK maybe it's me but I like having him around so I can hang out with him and have another friend
E= well if you want a friend you can hang out with me I can be your friend
J=( laughs) of course you're my friend Erin you are my best friend( kiss).
E= I figured I was
J= I might talk to him about that here the next few days to see where his head at
E= yeah that sounds like a good idea but for some reason I am thirsty so I'll be right back do you want something to drink too babe
J= yeah sure surprise me whatever
E= all right ( she goes and comes back ) okay So since it's so late at night ends with us still being a little sweaty from our a little scrabble session I got us some lemonade
J= oh that sounds good ( takes  a drink) wow this is good
E= oh yeah but I think it's not as good as that little girl that we saw at the rail yard that gave us some lemonade
J= oh yeah I couldn't agree more that lemonade that she made was super good
E= I wonder what made her lemonade so good
J= yes same I also think it was super cute to see her hug you
E= oh really
J= Yeah it is one of the main reasons I fell in love with you was because how could you are with kids they just Willie gravitate toward you whenever we work on cases that involve kids I can't wait to see you as a mom in the future
E= Oh really you think I would be a good
J= you would be the best mom ever our kids would be so damn lucky to have you ( kisses her cheek)
E= I think you would make the most amazing dad to our kids
J= oh yeah so do you want kids
E= well I kind of did but growing up with bunny as my mom I didn't want to have kids and end up being just like her as a mother
J= oh no Erin you would never be like your mother you will be 1000% better mom than she ever was
E= why thanks babe ( kiss )
J= you are so welcome to
E= so what about you babe did you ever want kids when you were younger I know boys don't really think about it when they're kids because that's not really them
J= well I actually did
E= oh really
J= yeah when I was younger I said I can't wait to have a little boy and throw a baseball back-and-forth with him
E= oh that's so cute I can totally see that babe but to be honest with you I see you more with a little girl than a little boy
J= oh really you could
E= Yes I could you will have our little girl wrapped around your fingers like you would do anything for her also you would show our daughters how they should be loved by a man so that's a good extra bonus besides how cute would it be to have a daddy's little girl
J= yeah that would be cute
E= yes it would
J=  yeah well for me you would make a great boy mom
E= oh I would
J= yes the boys will love you so much and they will for sure be mamas boys
E= I think it be nice to have a mama's boy I always heard when you have a mama's boy it's the best feeling in the world
J= oh yeah to be honest I actually was a mama's boy myself
E= oh you were
J= yes I was so speaking of kids do you want them like right now
E= no of course not maybe in the future but right now I want to focus on my career more before I start having kids
J= that's understandable but how would you like to practice making babies though
E= I think that sounds like ( kiss ) let's do all the practice before we are ready so when it's time we can have as many kids with your freckles because those kids are going to be so cute
J= I like the way you think let's play some scrabble
E= all right

They play one more round of scrabble and then they fall asleep and enjoy this new part of the relationship of living together and being in love with each other ,

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