Chapter 2

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"Would you like to answer some questions," Spencer asks me. "No," I shoot back, "Why'd you bring me here, it's not like I did anything wrong." Spencer, with a curious look on his face asks, "Why is your hair pink, and if you answer with a smart-ass comment, I can, and will, put you into a legitimate cell," Glaring I answer, "I dyed it pink because having pale blond hair is quite boring, any other questions," I pause and smirk, "Your majesty," He picks up the file, "Is this your name," he looks at me, with some terror, like I'm some cold blooded killer. "Well sorta," I adjust my glasses, so that he might actually take me seriously, "My full name is Alexandra Lee Flathills, but yes, in some sort that's my name, it's what I go by," I'm stuttering, and Spencer looks afraid. There's three other people outside the window, peering in. One man pulls out a knife and slits the other's throats. I scream, I jump an knock over a cup of coffee, and hide under the table. "Alex! Calm down, what happened," Spencer says. He obviously an idiot if he couldn't see that, "Come back in your chair, let's talk." I brush my hair out of my eyes and rejoin him at the table, except it's not Spencer anymore, it's my father.

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