Revenge of the Spider Queen Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Wait a minute! Why are you with Red Son?!" Pigsy asked

"Well, I was heading back to meet up with you guys for the parade, but I saw Red Son and his father. They were selling spicy food and I must say it was really delicious. But then suddenly, a giant spider mech took DBK! Then, a spider drone jumped on me tried to inject me with something, if Red Son hadn't saved me, I'll most likely became a spider zombie" Sakura finished explaining her story

"Since I hardly doubt you'll care, except for cherry blossom, but my father was taken by that eight-legged freak! So, if you excuse me, I'll just steal this ship and cherry blossom and I will be on our way" Red Son said

"Wait! What!" I exclaimed

"Sigh... Fine! Will you let me steal your ship so I can go save my father and also the world from this spider menace, please?" Red Son asked

We argued about how he shouldn't be stealing our ship to begin with

"I can't use mine! It's busted!" Red Son said as a piece of his motorbike fell "But one thing I do have is this. Spider Queen's venom. It had turned everyone into her slaves, but I can make an antidote. However, I need some supplies, and the only place to get is..." Red Son up in the sky and I gasped

"Space?" Red Son got angry at my answer

"Actually MK, he meant the Celestial Realm" Sakura said as she made sure Red Son doesn't get too angry by patting his head and it worked

'I want a pat on the head too...' I slumped to the ground

"The Celestial Realm?! The Realm of heavenly deities and immortal beings?!" Tang asked looking very excited

"Okay, Uncle Tang. How about you take it down a notch?" Sakura said as she dragged Tang by the ear

"Ow! Let go Sakura!" I heard Tang yelling, and we all sweat dropped

"Feels like that Sakura is more of an adult than her uncle" Mei said and everyone agreed

"So, if you can get to sp- uh... the Celestial Realm, you can fix all of this?" I asked

"Kid, you're not seriously considering it, are ya?" Pigsy asked

"Well... Uh..."

"WHAT?!" Both Mei and Pigsy shouted

"MK, are you serious?! It's Red... Uh... Boy!" Mei said

"He's literally a demon!" Pigsy said

They started arguing, I wasn't sure what to do, then I felt a hand on my shoulder

"MK, I think you should listen what your heart is telling you" Sakura said with a soft smile and patted my head softly "I'll ask you MK, what is your heart telling you?"

"Let's help him" I said and that caught everyone's attention


"What other choices do we have? Look, the Spider Queen won't see this coming. It's the best plan we got" I said

"I agree with MK" Sakura said as she stood next to me

"You too, Sakura?!" Pigsy looked shocked

"Yes. I want to help Red Son gather the things he needs to create an antidote for everyone. I don't want the Spider Queen to take away our home" Sakura said with a serious look and everyone gave in

Sakura P.O.V

I went inside the ship to change back into my usual attire cause I don't want to ruin my New Year clothes

'It's a good thing Uncle Sandy had some spare clothes for me' I thought to myself as I walked outside after changing. I saw Red Son created a spell circle

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