6. Rollers and waiting

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James could tell that they weren't to pleased with his answer wanting to know the new girl he was "infatuated with". He could also tell that Kate was itching to know how he was going to announce their relationship to everyone. He believed keeping it a secret from even her, then the reaction would be more authentic.

His friends had finally gone to sleep after hounding him about his new love.
James's plan was now in full swing and almost happening, if he was honest, he was quite excited to have this fake relationship. Well to have a public relationship.


Kate awoke as the sun peaked through the curtains temporarily blinding her as she opened her eyes. She rolled over to look at the clock. 5:45am.
"Fuck." Kate whispered as she was now too wake to go back asleep but now had two spare until they opened the door for breakfast.

Reaching over to turn on her lamp, Kate sees an envelope. Confused, Kate picked it up and ripped it open. Scrawled inside was
'Dress nice'

Deciding after seeing that incredibly cryptic message, she should probably have a long shower. And pick a nice outfit for the day.
James was obviously planning to start this thing today and looking nice was definitely a shoe in.

None of the girls had woken up through Kate's shuffling. She then very slowly got up from bed and crept into the bathroom, avoiding the noisy planks in the floor. A bed behind her creaked and Kate stood still, realising that whoever it was had just turned around and shifted in their sleep. The door squeaked as she opened it. The gripes of living in a castle that had been around for fucking ever.

Getting out of the shower, the bathroom was all steamed up, the mirror now all foggy. Wrapping her towel around her body and grabbing her wand off of the counter, Kate dried her hair until it was damp leaving it in the perfect condition to be put in hair rollers. In reality, she knew that she could curl it with magic, but with 2 extra hours the muggle way was probably the best way to do it.

"Morning." Alice whispered.
"Good morning, shower is free." Kate replied.
Alice was usually the first one up in the morning, making sure everyone actually gets up for the day. Now 6:45, An hour of time to get ready.

Kate rummaged through her trunk to find something "nice". Nice? Like fancy nice. Or casual nice?
Kate found a black button down crop top, with a matching cardigan, a square pattern across it. A black pleated skirt and a pair of white socks. This was nice right?

Dorcas and Lily had woken up as well just as Alice came back from the shower.
"Does this look nice Ali?" Kate asked frantically gesturing to her outfit.
"With the hair rollers, yea."
"Yea, really. It enhances the look." Dorcas added.
"Oh fuck off."
Marlene woke up to the laughing.

"God, you look stupid." She piped in.
"Oi, I got up really early, thought I might as well do my hair the muggle way." Kate argued. "It'll look nice when it's dry."
"Alright alright."
"That's what I thought."

"What are we going to do today girls?" Dorcas asked.
"I'm going to see Amos at some point, but after that we could just sit in the common room?" Lily said.
"Yea, why not, or we could go on a walk?" Marlene added.
"It's freezing outside now though." Dorcas said.
"Just take a coat." Marlene pointed out.
"Or we could do both, go on a walk then sit by the fire in the common room?" Alice suggested.

Everyone agreed to that, settling on a happy medium.
Kate started doing her makeup, deciding to keep it semi natural. Concealer, blush, highlighter, a pink tinted lipgloss and a thin layer of mascara.

"Why are you dressed so fancy?" Dorcas enquired.
"I'm not?"
"No you definitely are, you're trying to impress someone." She finished.
"Oh my god, you totally have a crush on someone!" Marlene pretty much screamed as she ran over and grabbed Kate's shoulders. "Our girls all grown up."
She find her face in an attempt to stop "crying".
"You know I've had boyfriends before right? And crushes." Kate said.
"Yea but they were all outside of Hogwarts, so this is different." Alice added.
"And I don't have a crush on someone." She denied.
"And you're a bad liar."
"I'm not lying!"
"Sureee." Marlene finished.

Kate rolled her eyes and pulled on her doc martins and pulling out the rollers leaving her with soft ends and slight curls, now ready to go to breakfast.
"Hurry up people, I'm craving egg on toast." Kate said, ready to go down to breakfast.

Kate couldn't lie she was incredibly nervous, not knowing how or when James was going to start this thing was nerve wracking. He was popular, funny, and just well liked by most. But Kate wasn't really known to anyone that wasn't in their house. How would people believe that he actually liked her?
That was the main worry, how would it be believable if they were so different. Opposites attract.

She'd never faked a relationship before, how was it supposed to go? Knowing she could call it off anytime was a comfort but James had been so nice to her, she was doing this as she owed him one.

Finally, everyone was ready to go down to breakfast. Kate could finally have her egg on toast.
"You're hair does look nice." Marlene said.
"I told you so." Kate replied and flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically to prove a point.
"Shut up."

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