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"You told me, you used to love someone who was your roommate ... but that roommate is your twin, right?"... said Shama adding: "So, are you in a Relationship? A date, he is your boyfriend ... What do you have with your brother?"

"Yes." Luna just laughed at how pathetic he had been, believe that only he would know of this secret. Never he told Sherbet, since he didn't tell, he believed that no one would ever know, but today ... Shama knows.

Frankly, he would be seen as a psychopath, because the relationships between people of the same blood have never been accepted. His beautiful eyes looked at the ground. Without knowing it, tears flowed intermittently until they finally fell apart. Why not would you be sad to be like this? everybody wants to be normal. Who would want to be seen as a psychopath? ... Who would want to be rejected always for being like this?

"What are you ... what are you doing?" Shama raised his hand and brushed his hair vigorously. The story was so shocking, because it wasn't right. Hee before he had heard of blood relations of this kind and even he had seen, but .... he didn't think he would live them or he would know so closely, to the point of beeing indirectly involved in this matter.

"It's disgusting ... right? ... When you see that a normal person has a relationship with his own brother uhmmm? ... LOL".

Shama looked at the man who laughed like he hides, but his beautiful eyes shone with drops of tears that were about to fall, he clenched his white hands, his body shaking pitifully. At this point Shama didn't know how to comfort him, because he was still in shock. He was a state in the one could not describe what he himself was feeling.

"Our story ends like this. People normal goes for a normal life ... It is possible that see me as a replacement for your ex. Memory, that you said I just broke your Heart ... but I can't be him for you."

"You can do it? Go back and live life as if nothing happen, can it be done? you know what happened between us".

A thick hand grasped the pale wrist of Luna and held him. But Shertham wriggled free and refuted to the eldest

"So what should I do? you still can't forget your ex. running out of give him up you already found a replacement immediately, while it took me several months to improve, although I still follow it and thinking a little. So ... do you dare to say no like me?"

"I am not like you."

"Then you are too good. You do not see that I'm a psychopath? your moon is so contaminated. They should have put me in the hospital for treatment!"

Shertham's feelings were stirred until it becomes a whirlpool, everything turned on head to the point of collapsing, feeling sad, ashamed, and regretting to be as it is, without having more courage or strength for fight. Or maybe he doesn't want to fight because thinks that Shama only sees in him his ex ... that person that Luna himself doesn't even know? ... But just thinking about it makes him feel like can bear it.

"Tham, calm down." Shama is not calm at all, but seeing impatient to Shertham, he has to calm down, while he tries to stop the other person who he was just trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Let me go, let go, let me go."

Many tears fell because he couldn't bear it. He wants to go away. Even though he has been trying to keep it all hidden trying to be indifferent, doing all this ... because he didn't want anyone to know that he really was just a weak person.

"Tham ... shhh."

The sound of crying came from the person he always kept a calm face and indifferent. At this point, again Shama don't know how he feels. If you were asked if he is angry, he would probably say that he is not ... but if asked if he could accept it or not, the answer would be NO. But what he is sure is that he won't let the tearful he tries break free of his grip ...

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