King steve

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June 12 1987, Forest Hills Trailer Park, Hawkins Indiana

Both Steve and Eddie stood there, staring at each other, not knowing what to say. They both had a million things they wanted to say but couldn't quite figure out where to start. "Eddie I'm sorry," Steve blurted out. "I'm sorry I walked out, I'm sorry I've been running away, I'm sorry I've been acting like a shitty boyfriend. I'm sorry." he started to tear up, making Eddie's heart crumble. "I know you probably hate me."

Eddie couldn't take one more second of it, hearing Steve say something like that, seeing him cry, broke his heart. "Steve," he said, cutting Steve off by wrapping his arms around the taller guys waist, pulling him close. Steve stood there for a second before hugging Eddie back.

This hug felt different to every other Steve had ever gotten. It made him feel like for one moment, everything was ok, like nothing else mattered. The initial embrace ended with Eddie pulling away slightly and cupping Steve's face in the palms of his hands. "I could never hate you. Never. You hear me?" Eddie had started to tear up too. It wasn't often that either of them were this vulnerable, but something about being in the other's presence just felt safe.

Steve nodded. They sat down next to each other, leaning up against the wall. Their sides against the others.

"Did I ever tell you about how me and Nancy split?" Eddie shook his head. "We were at a party, and she was really drunk. She called our whole relationship bullshit, and that us being in love was bullshit, just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. She never loved me. All those months I had spent telling her I loved her it was never reciprocated. Robin thinks it caused some sort of trust issues or something. It's stupid." Steve stared at the floor in front of him.

"Hey, it's not stupid," Eddie said putting his arm around steve. "If you need more time, that is that. I'll wait forever," he smiled brightly at Steve. "I'm just glad that," he paused, and shook his head. "No- never mind."

"No, what were you going to say?" Steve turned to face the other boy.

"I- I um, I kind of thought that King Steve had finally decided that Eddie 'the Freak' Munson wasn't good enough for him."

Steve didn't say anything, he just sat there absorbing the silence for one more second. "I hate that name."


"King Steve. I hate it. I've always hated it. And just for the record I'm the one that isn't good enough for you."

"What, just because your last relationship ended badly? No. Okay? You are the most amazing human being I have ever met. You're kind, and comforting, and so ridiculously strong, mentaly and physically," Eddie got quiet. "Not to mention handsome." Steve chuckled, his gaze drifting back to the floor. "So what I'm hearing is that you need a new nickname?" Eddie asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"I guess so. But if I must have a nickname it has to feel like, like me."

"Okay, I got it. What about...what about Steve 'the polo' Munson" Eddie said teasingly.

"The polo?"

"Yeah because all you ever wear is polo shirts." Eddie explains, sounding almost cocky about it.

There was a moment of nothingness before Steve spoke again, "Hey Eddie?"


"Did you just call me Steve Munson?" he said, smirking.

Fuck did I? Sure the metal head had always thought about whose name sounded better with the other's last name, but he had never intended to say it out loud, and especially not to Steve. "What no! I mean, it was an accident!"

Steve laughed a little, then placed a kiss on Eddie's cheek, making Eddie smile. "I missed you," Steve tilted his head, laying it on Eddie's shoulder.

"I missed you too," Eddie leaned his cheek on the top of Steve's head. They really did miss each other. Every bit of each other's presence and comfort. Eddie missed Steve. Steve missed Eddie. "I love you," Eddie said. "And you don't have to say it back. I just wanted you to know that I do love you. I always will, I promise."

"I know." Steve looked around the empty trailer. this was it. This was home. "So this is home?"

Eddie smiled brightly, "Yeah. It needs a little bit of work, but yeah." Eddie couldn't wipe the smile off his face just thinking of it. This was his home, it was Steve's home, it was theirs.

A/N: what are we all thinking of this character? And remember to drink water!  (edit: if anyone is reading this, the book ends here. This is where it makes the most sense in my mind. I am working on something new

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