i. history project

Start from the beginning

Jane looked at her then at her project, "Oh, uhm. I did my dad. He was a police officer." Although Geneva thought it was a little strange that Jane chose her father rather than some other historical figure, she found it was kinda cute. "That's cool, Janey." They walked into their classroom which was filled with kids not in their seats which made it harder for them to sit down since everyone was standing. Jane walked in the middle of two guys holding her project up while Geneva just shoved past people and Will just walked into his seat which was easy to find since it was where the door was. Geneva sat down in her seat that was behind Jane. Jane slightly tripped when trying to get past Stacy, she placed her project on her desk and sat down letting out a sigh

Jane placed her project on her desk, sighed, and sat down-that is, until Jake Angela's boyfriend threw a spitball at Jane. Geneva turned to face the laughing couple. She glared at Angela as she approached Jane and wiped the spitball away, Jane sent her a soft smile which Geneva returned. Angela grumbled and put her hand on her cheek as she sat in jealousy, clutching her pencil so tightly that it broke in two.


"AFTER LEARNING TO speak, she traveled the world to spread her message, and along the way, changed how the world perceived those like her with disabilities. And that is why I have chosen Helen Keller as my hero." Angela finished, everyone clapped for her project.

"That was wonderful, Angela. Truly wonderful." Mrs. Gracey turned on the lights, "What an inspiring story. Okay. Now let's see who has to follow that." Mrs. Gracey put her glasses back on and picked out a paper that was in the clear bowl. "Jane," Mrs. Gracey read out, she looked up at Jane. Jane glanced at Will who sent her a nod. Some people applauded Jane as she stood up with her project in hand. Geneva, who was obnoxiously applauding Jane the loudest, caught Jane's attention who sent her a smile. Jane walked to the front of the class, "Hi. For my hero, I... I chose my dad." Everyone looked at each other with confusion in their faces. "And for my visual aid, I made a ' direyama ' of our cabin."

"More like diarrhea." Jake joked, everyone laughed minus Geneva and Will, Jane tilted her head and smiled. "It wasn't that funny.." Geneva grumbled while glaring at Jake. She didn't want to make a scene while Jane was giving her presentation, so she chose to remain silent. "Quiet, everyone. Let's be respectful." Mrs. Gracey announced, everyone's laughter came to and end.

When Geneva felt someone was staring at her, she looked up and saw Angela staring at her. When she realized Geneva was staring right back at her, Angela quickly looked away, turning slightly red from being caught. Geneva sat there confused by what had just happened, but she shrugged it off, assuming that in Angela was just making fun of her in her head.

Jane picked up a figure that represented her dad, "This is my dad. His name is Hopper. He made the best Eggos, and... we liked to watch Miami Vice on Fridays." Jane spoke, she then picked up a squirrel, "This is Mr. Fibbly. He is a squirrel." While the others simply laughed in Jane's face, Angela snorted as she struggled to control her laughter. Jane looked at Geneva, and Geneva could see how her confidence dropped. She gave Jane a smile and a nod, encouraging her to carry on. "And this is the alarm that my dad made." Jane pointed at the string, she looked up and saw Angela raising her arm and was giving her a devilish smile. "I... I was never scared because... beca- because..."

"Uh, Angela, let's save questions until the end of Jane's presentation." Mrs. Gracey stated, Angela put down her arm and said in a teasing voice, "Yeah. Sorry. I'm just, like, confused. I thought this was a presentation about a historical hero."

"My dad was in the newspaper." Jane remarked. "Your local paper?" Angela giggled, everyone laughed as well, Geneva looked around at everyone who was laughing as she clenched her pencil tighter. "I just don't think that's what Mrs. Gracey meant by historical. This is supposed to be about famous people." Angela explained, Jane gripped on her project tightly as tears were begging to fall, "My dad is famous. He... He saved lots of lives. In a mall fire. He was a hero for people. And he was my hero too."

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