Not much time

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Hi guys!!

I'm very late lol!Sorry! 

Anyway, here's the next chapter!In case you didn't notice, the weather matches the mood in story!

Read carefully to see what I mean!!! (It's still in Magnus's pov)

My eyes open and adjust to the brightness.Golden rays of sunshine fill the room.The sun casts a luminescent glow on the city.Today I have no work, do I'm free to do whatever I want. I go out into the field. The cancellations really are staying to bloom. I tread carefully, making sure not to step on any wild flowers.I bend down and pick on of the dandelions from the field. 

"I-I wish that Emily gets better and lives"I gently blow and the wind carries the dandelions fluff away, but no one knows where. 


Around afternoon,I get a call from the hospital. 

"Magnus black speaking," 

"Um yes, there's an emergency at the hospital. It's do with...Emily black?" 

My eyes widen in alarm. 

"Alright I'll be there quick as I can!" 

Taking public transport would take to long, I'll use Nillious instead. 

"Nillious stand!" I command 

I hop onto Nillious and we fly to the hospital. Dove grey clouds are forming I'm the sky. I tell Nillious to go back to back form. I dash to the receptionist. 

"Hi I'm here to see a patient under the name of Emily black."I say. She has crimson red hair and hey black eyes. Her long fake nails tap the keyboard 

"Fifth floor, from 5b" she mumbles 

I bolt to take the lift.I  s print down into the seeming infinite corridor and into room 5b,out of breath. 

"Emily,Emily!" Her face is as pale as paper and an oxygen mask covers her mouth. Serious surgeons surround her bed, glancing from Emily to the clipboard, scribbling notes. 

"Wha-what happened?" I demand 

"Get condition is getting worse" the surgeon states.He's been taking care of Emily ever since she was first diagnosed with her condition. 

"How much time left?!?!" 

"We're unsure of that,two weeks or so?" 

"Two week..." Tears sting my eyes and roll down my cheek 

"M-magnus..." Emily eyes flutter open 


"Hi big brother, how have you been?" She asks 

"Emily, is been a nightmare. I've worked so hard for you. Now there' s only two weeks left..." 

"Mag,at least ...If i die ... I'll die knowing I had-i have  the best big brother on the planet .One that loves me with all his heart and would do anything for me... A-and parents that loved me too.Magnus,please don't cry.I-Iwant to remember you with the bigg-biggest smile on your face...Oh c-come here" 

She opens her arms and I bury my face in them. Is it really... almost the end?

No,no! I'll do whatever it takes! I can't let Emily die ,she won't.As long as do what Philomena asks.They'll cover Emily's treatment.

And maybe,just maybe she'll survive? 

"I promise,Emily I'll get the money for your treatment,and we'll go back to playing in the field.Like we used to do" 

"I-It's okay... there's not much you c-can do anyway" 

No Emily,your wrong. 

I call Nillious and I hop on his back.The clouds are tar black and approaching me.The clouds spit out beads of water.The people look like ants from here and run to cover,while some open umbrellas.Puddles start forming on the damp streets.

But I couldn't care more.

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