Part Four: The Aftermath

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Part Four: The Aftermath

When Pandora opened that box full of woe, misery, and despair, the only thing that remained was hope. What you need to understand is that not everyone is as lucky as she was.

I do not know where I am. All I see is white, white, and more white. Have I died? Am I in Heaven? Why is everything so blank? Why is it so quiet? I feel so lost here. Then, out of the creamy whiteness, comes a single curl of smoke. Slowly and deliberately, as it twists and turns, the puff of smoke grows larger and bends into a shape of some sort. I squint at it and turn my head sideways, but the image is too blurry for me to decipher. All of a sudden, a voice breaks the comfortable silence.

"Katrina," it calls, desperation and panic evident in the tone. "Katrina, wake up!"

But I don't want to wake up; I need to find out what that picture is of. However, before I can even glance at it, the smoke changes shape and coats the whole place in a thick, smoggy gray. I realize that I liked the white much better, but now it is too late. Shadows creep around me, and what was once a bright, spiritual setting turns into a gloomy pit of trouble. I scream out, but no one seems to hear me. I'm all alone. . .all alone. . .in the darkness.

"Katrina, please!" The voice is crazed now. "Please, wake up!"

And I do.


I wake up in a strange room, lying on a stiff mattress, sweat streaming down my face. My bangs cling to my wet forehead, and I can feel my eyes darting around like a wild animal's. However, black patches block my vision, and all I can make out is white. No, not that white room again! I can't handle that white room again. It's so very hot, and so very cold at the same time. I really want a banana, and maybe some apple juice too. Why are my thoughts so adrift?

"Kat!" It was the voice again. Have I gone mad? Am I schizophrenic now? What happened to me? Wait, I recognize that voice. I love that voice. It is a difficult task, opening my eyes that is, but I do it, just to see the owner of that beautiful voice.

"Mom?" I whisper, and sure enough my foster mom Shelly is sitting at my bedside, her hand clasped in mine.

"Oh, Katrina! Thank God you are alright!" Mom whimpers, her face moist with tears. "They--they thought you were a goner. . . But I knew! I knew you would pull through!"

"Yeah, I'm okay, Mom," I assure her, even though I don't really know that for certain. Everything is so foggy. My head is still lost in that strange dream.

And all the events of the previous night crash down on me like a tidal wave; the game, the party, the crash, the pain, but most of all, the pain. So, so much pain. I wince at the very thought of it. Another thought settles over me, and this one hurts ten times more than the pain.

"Robin!" I cry, trying to sit up in bed but finding it to be much more difficult than I presumed. Just this one attempt leaves me dizzy, and my arm, which I now notice is wrapped in a sling, stings horribly if I merely lift it. Forgetting the pain, I ask through gritted teeth, "Where's Robin, Mom?"

"Oh, honey," she says softly, but instead of giving me a direct answer she just runs a hand through my hair.

"Mom," I say harshly, yanking her hand away even though it makes me cry out. "Tell me where Robin is, now!"

"Alright, alright, relax, dear. You just broke out of a coma for god's sake! You need to rest; don't worry about Robin right now."

"Tell me. Now. I need to know." I persist, getting more worried every second she takes to respond. Did he get hit too? Is he--is he--gone? No, I can't think of that. Not now. "Tell me!"

"Kat, he is in critical condition. He got hit pretty bad. He's still in a coma, and they are not letting anyone through to see him unless you are family."

Her words hit hard. I can see my whole life crumbling to nothing before my very own eyes. This can't be true. Robin is fine. He's going to walk in through that hospital door any second now, a bouquet of roses in his arms, and we are both going to make it through this, unscathed. But I know that Shelly would never create false statements like that, and the only thing on my mind is seeing Robin.

"Take me to him." I demand, pointing to the door. "I need to see him right this instant!"

"Sweetie, I don't think it is a good idea. You need to rest, eat, and drink." She hesitated for just a second, but just a second was all it took for me to know she was about to lie. "He--he will be fine. Just settle down."

"I can tell you are lying to me. How bad is he, tell the truth."

"The doctors say he won't make it, Katrina," she blurts, covering her mouth with her hand.

"They said that about me too," I assert. "He can't die, he just can't. We were meant to be, I know we were." There was a long pause. "Take me to him. Right now."

My mother looked away.

"Right now! Take me right now, or I'll go to the front desk myself and get his room number." I knew she wouldn't like the idea of me walking anywhere by myself.

When she gives no answer, I make my decision. Clenching my fists throught the shocking pain, I try to sit up again. Using my hands to hoist me up, I get into a sitting position and attempt to kick off my sheets, but nothing happens. Huh? What's wrong with me? Kick, legs, kick! I command myself, but my lower body remains motionless. Why can't I move my legs? Why the hell can't I move my legs?

"Mom!" I shriek, grasping her elbow even though it hurts like ever. "MOM! Why can't I move? Mom, why? MOM! Help me! Help me, Mom! MOM!"

"Kat, please just calm down," Mom says, tears flowing down her cheeks. "Kat, everything is okay."

"Mom! Why can't I move??" My voice is so frantic I don't even recognize it. My face is suddenly moist, and I know that I am sobbing. "Mom! Help me, help me, Mom. . ."

"Darling," Mom says in a hushed tone, rubbing small circles on my back and handing me a pillow, which I bury my face into gratefully. "I'm so, so sorry. You're a paraplegic."

And with that sentence, the whole world explodes in my face.

PS: Hope you liked this one! If all goes well, another chapter will be coming shortly! Thanks for the support, and for even reading this at all! Luv ya :)

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