[12] Daily work

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Unconsciously she held her wrist and rubbed her left thumb over the scar on her right wrist. The fracture was so complicated that she needed to have surgery to replace the bones in the way they had to be. The doctors were beyond shocked when she explained that her at-that-time-still-boyfriend did that to her.

Her parents paid for the surgery and helped her to sue her finally-ex-boyfriend. He was not allowed to be near her anymore and thank god he never appeared again.

Since that „relationship" she never felt safe and comfortable again. Of course she had a few dates and even a few guys the fucked. Some of them a few times. But she never had an emotional connection to them.

She thought after that abusive experience with her ex-boyfriend she was not even able to feel something different than lust when it came to men. Until she met Sebastian.

A man she barely knew, but already fell head over heels for him.

She grabbed her phone, purse and the keys and made her way to set. The set-area was loaded with halls and other buildings, so she needed around 10 minutes from her car to her trailer. Before entering it she turned around and went to the trailer right next to her.

She knocked on the door and heard a familiar „Come on in!" from the inside. When she entered the trailer she saw Emily sitting on a chair in front of a mirror - Susan right behind her with a curling iron in her hand. Susan turned her head to face y/n, smiled and said „Good morning. Did you had a nice evening yesterday? with a little smirk on her face.

Y/n gave her the not-now-there-is-someone-with-us-in-the-room-look before answering: „Yes, very uneventful but still nice" what made Susan smile even wider.

The three ladies talked about the upcoming scenes and some other trivialities before y/n excused herself to go back to her own trailer. Anthony should show up in a few seconds.

It was 6:55 am and he was scheduled for 7:00 am this morning. She took a sip from her coffee and grabbed her phone out of the pocket on her jeans. If Anthony would be here in time there was not much time left to send a message, so she opened the chat with Sebastian an started to type:

Thanks for cleaning our mess tonight.
I was sleeping like a rock - haven't even realized that you left until this morning.

As it was still very early and he had a day off she didn't expected him to answer right away so she put her phone on the counter - screen showing up.

Anthony entered her trailer in a very good mood a minute later. They laughed a lot over different things while y/n prepared Anthony for his scenes today. For the first one he needed to have some bruised around his eyes, a cut on the eyebrow and on the lips.

Marvel tried to hold back as much of the story as possible but Anthony told her a few details about the first scene today. It was another meeting scene after Sam, Torres and Bucky were on a mission abroad and got their asses kicked by members of the organization „New world order". Or as Anthony would call them „the evil guys' boyband".

Of course the movie wasn't shoot in chronological order, so the mission itself would be shoot when they are in Bucharest in a couple of months. Today's scene would be a briefing after the mission to discuss how to handle the organization. That's why y/n needed to create some fake-wounds and bruises on Anthony's and Danny's face this morning.

The only thing she wondered about was the fact that Sebastian aka Bucky wouldn't be in the scene today. She thought that he would be part of the briefing as well, but wasn't confident enough to ask Anthony. It was already very kind that he told her more about the story as she got to know from Marvel itself. Those movies were always top secret to make sure that nothing leaked before the first trailer.

Heartbeats 💕[Sebastian Stan x female reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora